Help with Searching

Help with Searching

Please make sure you are searching in 'All Categories'

The search bar lets you search using any combination of category, keywords and location

  • Category - use this if you know the type of results you want to find
  • Keywords - type one or more words to describe what you are looking for
  • Location - use this to find results in your location. Try a placename like Godalming or postcode (KT1 2DW or CR1) etc.

More Advice on Keyword Searching

Typing in a word or a few words into the Keywords box brings you back all entries that contain at least one of the words you have entered. The results are returned in order of relevance.

Using search filters

Once you have your search results, you may be able to refine you results by selecting one or more of the search filters on the left of the screen. These filters allow you to limit results by subject area (such as 'Money Matters'), and by user group (such as 'Carers') and so on. The more use you make of the filters, the more focussed your results will be.

Sorting your search results

You can change the sort order of your search results using the options that are shown in the section just above your results. Depending on the type of search that you have done, your results can appear in any of the following sort orders:

  • Sorted by relevance (i.e. the best match to your search)
  • Sorted alphabetically (i.e. in A-Z order of title with numbers first)
  • Sorted by distance (only if you have done a full postcode search)


Help with Registering, Creating, or Amending an Existing Record

Advice and guidance can be found here.