Maintained 1.1 How does the school identify children/young people with special educational needs and disabilities?
Parsons Down Partnership uses a whole school approach to identify children with SEN, D. We take into consideration:
- Parental concerns – the parent would usually speak directly to the class teacher about their concerns. Discussions at parents’ evenings enable parents to share their concerns with teaching staff.
- Teacher concerns – the child’s class teacher would speak to the parents of the child and the Inclusion Manager.
- ESA (Educational Support Assistant) concerns- when they work with the child in class or during an intervention they may raise concerns with the Inclusion Manager.
- A child’s own comments - the teacher and parent may speak to the child to get their input, depending on the concerns, or the child may discuss their own concerns with their class teacher or ESA.
- Concerns from another setting or from a professional working with the child - if the child has come to the school from another setting, concerns may be brought to our attention from the staff at that setting or a professional may speak to the Inclusion Manager.
- Pupil performance- Whole school monitoring of data, books and observations provide us with information about each pupil’s needs and enable us to identify children who are finding it difficult to access the curriculum and make progress. Assessment data enables us to identify any barriers to learning.
The Inclusion Manager analyses teacher tracking assessment data at the end of each term. The provision required for children who are not making progress, are making limited progress or are not reaching ARE (age related expectations) is decided. A list of children who require interventions is produced for each year group. The impact of these interventions is monitored and reviewed to ensure it is meeting the needs of the child.
Class teachers continually monitor the attainment and progress of all of the children in their class. When they are concerned about a child’s progress, the class teacher will discuss this with the Inclusion Manager, and may need to write a GAP (Graduated Approach Plan) to monitor the progress of the child more closely. Parents would be informed if this was needed. The child may need a specific intervention/ resources/ higher level of differentiation to enable him/her to make progress or bridge a gap in their learning. Once these strategies have been put in place and carried out over the set time, the outcomes will be reviewed and the progress and outcomes will be added to the Graduated Approach Plan. The teacher then discusses the outcome of the GAP with the Inclusion Manager, to decide on the child’s next steps.
If the child has made progress and there are no concerns, then they no longer need a GAP.
However, if the child is not making progress despite the interventions that have been put in place, and the child requires support that is ‘additional to’ that given to the rest of the class, then the Inclusion Manager will review with the teacher and parents if the child needs to be added to the SEN (Special Educational Needs) register. If they are added to the SEN register, a Support and Achievement Plan (SAP) will be written for the child, which outlines clear focused targets and provision that will be implemented to enable the child to make progress and meet their needs.
At this stage the Inclusion Manager would support the class teacher in planning appropriate provision for the child. The child’s needs would be discussed as part of this process, and appropriate action would be taken. This could include:
- The child receiving an intervention
- Meeting with parents to discuss how school and home can work together to support the child
- The Inclusion Manager referring your child to an external professional, who can complete more detailed assessments. E.g. Educational Psychologist, The Cognition and Learning Team, CAMHS, Speech and Language Therapist.
Maintained 1.2 What should I do if I think my child has SEND?
If a parent believes that their child has SEN,D they should discuss this with the child’s class teacher. There is opportunity to do this at parents evening or appointments can be arranged through the school office, or directly with the class teacher.
Maintained 10.1 Who would be my first point of contact if I want to discuss something about my child or if I am worried?
The parent would contact the child’s class teacher.
Maintained 10.2 Does the school offer any specific support for parents / carers and families, such as Family Support Workers?
The school has a Family Support Worker who works 3 days a week. She is able to offer support and advice to families. She sometimes works with groups of children, or on a 1:1 basis. The support given varies according to the child’s/ family’s needs.
Maintained 10.3 What arrangements does the school have for signposting parents / carers to external agencies which can offer support, such as voluntary agencies?
The Inclusion Manager and the Family Support Worker provide parents with information about external agencies, who may be able to offer additional support. There are also links on our website to West Berkshire’s Local Offer and other support available to families. Parents are also signposted to support during the workshops we run in school.
Maintained 10.4 What arrangements does the school have for feedback from parents, including compliments and complaints?
The school has an ‘Open Door’ Policy, where we encourage parents to share compliments and concerns so that we can discuss things and improve provision. Parents can email the office or arrange an appointment with staff. Questionnaires are sent out.
We have a Complaints Policy, which states the procedure to take if you are unhappy with anything. We also welcome feedback on the things that are working really well through contact with the school.
Parsons Down Partnership
Parsons Down Partnership is made up of Parsons Down Infant and Junior Schools. Both schools are situated on the same site in Thatcham, on the eastern side of Newbury. Pupils are now organised into one class per year group as it is a one form entry school, however, some of the older year groups do have two or three classes per year group.
Both schools work closely together for the benefit of our children and families. With this in mind we share a Core Framework: a vision, mission and core values which we believe will enable us to achieve our goals and aspirations for the future.
Our vision, ‘Inspiring Excellence’ and mission statement, ‘Making a difference together,’ underpin everything we do.
Our core values – Challenge, Enjoyment, Pride, Respect and Safety, are evident throughout our school, our children and our staff. Our children are confident young individuals who enjoy their learning and rise enthusiastically to the challenges set by staff to support and extend their learning.
Our Partnership has a shared Governing Body which actively encourages and supports the opportunities for staff and children to learn together either through the sharing of resources, the sharing of ideas and creations or the sharing of achievements and successes.
The Partnership prides itself in offering bespoke support to vulnerable children and their families.
£5.00 per session;£12.50 per session
Do you offer funded childcare places: For 3 and 4 year olds, if yes, how many places?
Do you have immediate vacancies?
Other information
Please contact Twilight Club on 07919 803682 for information about vacancies for the Breakfast Club and After School Club
Do you provide drop off or collection services?
Do you have a waiting list and how many people are on it?
Local Offer
Maintained 2.1 If my child is identified as having SEND, who will oversee and plan their education programme?
The class teacher, together with the parents/ carers and the Inclusion Manager, will oversee and plan the child's education. Class teachers will plan the provision they will provide to meet the needs of the child. Teachers write a Support and Achievement Plan (SAP) for every child that is on the SEN register who receives additional provision. This will have agreed outcomes for the child, and details of the provision that will be put in place so that the child is able to achieve them. This could be an intervention, resources, specific approach or extra support. SAPs are reviewed termly with parents and adjustments made accordingly.
The Inclusion Manager oversees the interventions taking place across the school and ensures teaching staff have reports from outside agencies to enable them to plan appropriate support and outcomes for the child.
Maintained 2.2 How will I be informed / consulted about the ways in which my child is being supported?
The school has an ‘open door policy’ and encourages communication with parents and really values the collaboration between school and home. Parents may speak briefly to their child’s class teacher after school about any concerns, or arrange an appointment if a longer discussion is required.
In some instances the child may have a Home/ School Book. This will stay in the child’s book bag and notes can be made to inform the teacher/ parent of what has gone well for the child that day/ evening/ weekend and if there is anything they need to know about. Parents of children with SEN, D, and the teaching staff involved with the child, often find this a useful resource to begin a discussion with the child.
Parents are always welcome to contact the Inclusion Manager regarding their child. Appointments to meet with the Inclusion Manager can be arranged through the school office.
SAPs are reviewed and written three times a year, and these will be shared with parents. Parents will be asked their views on the progress children have made towards achieving each target on the SAP, and the needs of their child. New targets will be produced with the input of parents.
If a child’s needs meet the criteria for an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP), parents will be informed by the Inclusion Manager and the application will be written in consultation with parents to ensure a clear description of the child’s strengths and difficulties is submitted.
Children who have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) have an annual review of their targets. Parents are invited to these review meetings and are sent questions to complete prior to the meeting, to enable a clear image of the child to be gained. School discusses how the child is being supported and any changes to provision that are planned.
If the school needs a child to see a professional from an Outside Agency, then the class teacher or Inclusion Manager will discuss this with their parents and share the referral form. Parents will need to sign the referral form to enable the professional to assess the child.
Parent Consultation evenings are held regularly for all children. A school report is written for each child once a year. This informs parents of the progress their child is making.
Homework is a good way of parents getting involved in their child’s education e.g. reading with them every night, projects, spellings and talking to their child about their day and the learning they are doing in school is helpful.
Maintained 2.3 How will the school balance my child's need for support with developing their independence?
All staff aim to ensure each child is as independent as possible. Class teachers develop strong relationships with the children and regular opportunities are given for each child to work independently. The class teacher will know the child and their specific areas of need. Through assessments and developing their knowledge of the child they will be able to plan learning tasks that are appropriate to the child's needs and stage in learning, allowing them to work with more independence. Tasks are therefore carefully matched to the child to ensure the child is challenged but also able to complete a task with some independence. An educational support assistant or class teacher may work with the group the child is in, while they develop their confidence enough to work with independence. Practical and visual resources e.g. cubes, number squares, word mats can be provided to enable children to access tasks more independently.
Maintained 2.4 How will the school match / differentiate the curriculum for my child's needs?
We hold high expectations of all children at Parsons Down and want all children with SEN,D to be exposed to a rich and varied curriculum. Teachers are constantly assessing the needs and next steps for their pupils. Assessment can be informal, for example through questionning, working with a group, marking. Alternatively it can be through more formal testing or standardised assessments. A teacher uses this information to plan the next steps of the children's learning and match lessons and tasks to their needs.
Examples of reasonable adjustments could include: an adapted task, a writing frame, concrete resources being provided, visual aids, support from an adult, use of a laptop or a modelled example.
Some children require a bespoke individualised curriculum to enable them to achieve. This would be discussed with parents if we felt this was necessary.
Maintained 2.5 What teaching strategies does the school use for children with learning difficulties, including autistic spectrum disorder, hearing impairment, visual impairment, speech and language difficulties?
At Parsons Down Partnership we aim to ensure our classrooms and ethos are inclusive of all children’s needs. Pupils with SEN ,D are taught inclusively with their peers, and staff use adaptation and resources to enable children with SEN, D to access the lessons. We are also committed to providing high quality teaching and have a strong belief that this enables all children to succeed. Children are encouraged to be as independent as possible and are supported in gaining independence.
Teachers use a variety of teaching techniques within their lessons. Children sometimes access individual and small group interventions to support them in developing their understanding in key areas.
The class teacher will plan work at the right level for the child (adaptation). Resources to support the child in their learning will be provided and seating positions within the classroom will be carefully considered. Regular assessments of the child’s progress and needs take place.
Sometimes an external professional will observe and assess a child, providing advice to teaching staff on strategies they can use in the classroom to support a child with specific needs. The report will be shared with parents and it may have recommendations for the parents to work on, in partnership with the school. The recommendations will be added to the child’s SAP.
Some teaching strategies are bespoke to the needs of the child. For example, a non-verbal child may require Makaton, a child with a visual impairment may need to sit at the front of the carpet and teachers may need to ensure they use a pen that has a clear contrast on the board. A child with autism may need a sensory box and ear defenders for noisy times of the day. Relevant approaches are implemented to meet the needs of the child and ensure they can access the curriculum and school day fully. E.g. Some children require regular sensory/ movements breaks, this is incorporated into their timetable of activities throughout the day, as necessary.
Maintained 2.6 What additional staffing does the school provide from its own budget for children with SEND?
The daily provision for children who have SEN,D is carefully considered throughout the school. We have educational support assistants who work within classes, with groups of children or with individuals. Our ESAs are highly skilled and are used to:
- support the teacher in ensuring the children in the class make progress. This could be in a group situation or 1:1 basis.
- work 1:1 with a child with specific needs
- work 1:1 with a child on an intervention
- work with a group e.g. teaching phonics
- deliver the recommendations of outside agencies e.g. speech and language therapy plans
We also employ Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA) for children who require support linked to their emotional well being. We also have a Family Support Worker, who offers support to both children and their families too.
Maintained 2.8 What resources and equipment does the school provide for children with SEND?
The resources are dependent on the specific needs of the child. We follow professional advice to source suitable resources for individual children.
Examples of some of the resources school provides for children with SEN,D:
- Wobble cushion
- Weighted lap pad
- Stretchy body sock
- Variety of sensory resources e.g. chew, putty
- Sensory boxes that have concentration tools in
- Ear defenders
- Word or phonic mats
- Numicon, cubes, Dienes, multiplication squares
- Laptops
- Sand timers
- Various visual aids
- Sloped desks
- Pencil grips
- Tent with soft blanket and cushions
- Fine motor resources e.g. buttons, zips, beads
- Gym ball, large movement cone, balance boards
- Visual timetable
- Now and next cards
Maintained 2.9 What special arrangements can be made for my child when taking examinations?
During Statement of Attainment Tests (SATs) in Year 2 and Year 6, adaption of test resources may be given to children with SEND as guided by the Department of Education (DofE). This may take the form of additional time allocations, alternative rooms, rest breaks, the option to read aloud the questions, a scribe, enlarged print. There are specific guidelines that school must adhere to when deciding who qualifies for this additional provision. Meetings are held in school, to discuss the children staff feel would benefit from the special arrangements. Parents are informed about the provision that can be made for their child, once school have finalised this.
Maintained 3.1 How will the school monitor my child's progress and how will I be involved in this?
A child's progress will be monitored daily by teachers, when they work with groups and individuals, mark their work and listen to answers to questions. Assessments against the Foundation Stage Curriculum or National Curriculum standards are formally completed once a term. The Inclusion Manager monitors the child's progress alongside class teachers, analysing data after assessments. During pupil progress meetings the teacher discusses the progress of children in his/ her class with senior staff and the Inclusion Manager. Decisions will be made about how to support individuals.
Parents evenings are held in the Autumn and Spring term. A child’s progress will be discussed during this meeting. In the Summer Term parents receive a report that outlines the progress their child has made that year.
Teachers will also monitor the progress being made towards the child's Support and Achievement Plan (SAP) targets. The SAP will be reviewed termly.
Maintained 3.2 When my child's progress is being reviewed, how will new targets be set and how will I be involved?
The Support and Achievement Plan (SAP) will be reviewed termly. The child’s progress and new targets will be agreed by the parent and the class teacher. The Inclusion Manager may sometimes be involved with this process.
Some of the recommendations from any outside agencies that have been involved will be included in the SAP and will help to form new targets.
Maintained 3.3 ln addition to the school's normal reporting arrangements, what opportunities will there be for me to discuss my child's progress with school staff?
Class teachers are happy to meet with parents to discuss the progress a child is making. An appointment needs to be made either with the teacher or via the school office.
Parents will also have the opportunity to meet with the teacher in the Autumn and Spring Term parents evenings. They will also meet with school staff in the Summer Term when the SAP is reviewed and new targets agreed.
Appointments can be made with the Inclusion Manager by contacting the school office.
Maintained 3.4 What arrangements does the school have for regular home to school contact?
Parents are often able to speak to their child’s class teacher after school, or they can arrange a more in-depth meeting by speaking to the teacher or school office.
In some instances the child may have a Home/ School Communication Book. This will stay in the child’s book bag and notes can be made to inform the teacher/ parent of what has gone well for the child that day/ evening/ weekend or things that they need to be aware of to ensure provision is tweaked that day. Parents of children with SEN,D and the teaching staff involved with the child, often find this a useful resource to begin a discussion with the child.
Maintained 3.5 How can I help support my child's learning?
It is really important that children attend school regularly. Parents can help by ensuring children are in school on time for registration and early morning tasks or interventions and that their attendance is good.
Parents can support their child by ensuring they have everything they need to access the curriculum and school day e.g. their PE kit, reading book and journal, healthy snack for break, water bottle, their belongings are named, a coat, outdoor learning clothes, trainers. These enable children to access the school day more easily and enable them to feel safe and secure which enables them to learn.
A curriculum map is sent home each term to show what the children are learning about. This enables parents to become involved in the children's learning and provide further learning opportunities if they wish e.g. going to the library to find a book on the topic, visiting a museum etc. It allows parents to have conversations with their child about topics their child is learning about in school.
Homework enables parents to be involved in the child’s learning journey. We encourage parents to support their child with daily reading.
Additional ideas or strategies for parents to help the individual needs of their child can be discussed with the child’s teacher.
The Support and Achievement Plan (SAP) will be shared with the parent, and the class teacher will discuss how parents can support the child in achieving the targets and will be happy to share ideas about things they can do at home.
The school often provides or signposts parents to workshops which offer support and advice.
If your child has been seen by an outside agency please share relevant reports with your child's Class Teacher.
Maintained 3.6 Does the school offer any help for parents / carers to enable them to support their child's learning, eg. training or learning events?
Parenting courses are provided by the schools Family Support worker. These will include workshops, ideas and opportunities for parents to support their child’s learning and behaviour.
The Inclusion Manager and Family Support Worker will often signpost parents to workshops, either in school or online, that will support them in gaining knowledge and strategies to support their children’s needs.
Maintained 3.7 How will my child's views be sought about the help they are getting and the progress they are making?
We encourage each child to be part of their learning process.
Regular discussions occur between teachers, support staff, the Inclusion Manager and children about their views and the progress they are making with both their learning and emotional needs.
Maintained 3.8 What accredited and non accredited courses do you offer for young people with SEND?
Maintained 3.9 How does the school assess the overall effectiveness of its SEN provision and how can parents / carers and young people take part in this evaluation?
The school holds termly Pupil Progress Meetings with teachers and senior staff. The Inclusion Manager analyses assessment data from the term to monitor the progress children with SEN, D are making. Children’s progress is discussed during the meeting and the provision required to enable children to succeed is decided.
The Inclusion Manager monitors the provision for pupils with SEN, D regularly by looking at the children’s books, learning walks, meetings with teaching staff and support assistants, analysing data. Feedback is provided to SLT so that we can continuously improve provision for pupils with SEN,D. Concerns or challenges are communicated by the Inclusion Manager to the Head teacher so that we can continue to improve provision across the school.
The Inclusion Manager meets termly with the Governor responsible for SEND, to update them on the SEND provision in school.
The Local Authority regularly send out questionnaires for parents to complete which enables parents to take part in the evaluation of SEN provision. The Inclusion Manager communicates with parents regularly and encourages parents to talk to school about the SEN provision provided.
Maintained 4.1 What support is available to promote the emotional and social development of children with SEND?
All teaching staff understand the importance of children’s emotional wellbeing on their learning and progress. Therefore teachers use a variety of strategies to promote the emotional and social development of pupils with SEN,D within the classroom. Our behaviour policy is based on a therapeutic approach and this enables children to develop their emotional and social skills and understanding.
Assemblies and PSHCE sessions support children's emotional and social development through discussions and activities on a variety of themes. Children gain knowledge and skills as they progress through school.
Sometimes children are provided with additional support such as a quiet space to regulate, a 1-5 scale that outlines strategies they can use at different stages of an emotion, resources to support children in regulating, visual prompts, social stories, a small tent. The support is tailored to the individual needs of the child.
The school has qualified Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs), who run 1:1 or small group sessions with identified children who need some specific short term support. In addition, we have a Family Support Worker who works with individual children or small groups.
At lunchtime we usually have ELSA support. They support children to develop their social skills by playing games with the children or spending time talking to them. Staff encourage children to implement the strategies they have learned in interventions on the playground. They intervene and teach social skills as they arise, where possible. We also provide a quiet area in the playground where children can go if they feel overwhelmed.
The Partnership has an Anti-Bullying Policy and a Behaviour Policy. These policies and systems have clear expectations for the children.
The FSW and Inclusion Manager work closely together to ensure the emotional and social needs of all children are met.
Information about clubs and opportunities outside of school e.g. Inclusion football club, Swings and Smiles groups are shared with parents to encourage social skill development outside of school.
Maintained 4.2 What support does the school put in place for children who find it difficult to conform to normal behavioural expectations and how do you support children to avoid exclusion?
The school has a clear behaviour policy that is based on a therapeutic approach. Teachers hold high expectations of behaviour and there are clear school rules – be kind, be safe and be respectful. Behaviour is viewed as a form of communication, so staff will look at the reasons why a child is struggling and support the child in the areas identified.
Strong relationships between staff and children are vital, this is especially true when supporting a child who struggles to conform to behavioural expectations. We therefore ensure that the child develops strong relationships with key staff so they feel secure and the key staff can support the child in learning to regulate
Children who find it difficult to conform to normal behavioural expectations are usually having an emotional awareness based intervention that helps them to recognise their own emotions and learn strategies to regulate themselves with the support of an adult or visual prompt.
Sometimes we use social stories to support children to understand the expectation and how they can manage their behaviour. We use a variety of strategies to respond to a child when they are struggling and they vary depending on the needs of the child. Examples include: lowering language, prompting children to use sensory resources or a quiet space, visuals, choices.
The school works closely with parents and it is important that both school and home work together in a consistent and transparent way to enable the child to be fully supported.
Referrals are sometimes made to outside agencies if we feel additional advice and extra resources are required.
Maintained 4.3 What medical support is available in the school for children with SEND?
The school has several qualified first aiders who receive regular training. Some children may have specific medical needs, and we would take the advice of the professionals in these circumstances. In these situations the professional will work closely with the school staff to make sure the staff working with the child, are fully trained and confident in dealing with the necessary medical condition. Sometimes Individual Health Care plans will be written to plan for certain circumstances e.g. emergency intervention or when a child has particularly complex needs.
Maintained 4.4 How does the school manage the administration of medicines?
Some children require an Individual Health Care Plan. This will be shared with the parent. The school staff would follow the plan accordingly, store the prescribed medication safely and administer it at the required time. The school nurse is often able to offer support in school if required.
Any medication needs to be brought to the school office and the school's procedures for administration of medicine will be followed accordingly.
Maintained 4.5 How does the school provide help with personal care where this is needed, eg. help with toileting, eating etc?
If children have specific needs in this area, the school would take the advice of the professionals from other services involved with the child. The professional will work closely with the school staff to make sure the staff working with the child, are fully trained and confident in dealing with the child’s needs. We have an intimate contact policy which outlines school procedures linked to support with toileting.
Maintained 5.1 What SEN support services does the school use, eg. specialist support teachers, educational psychologists, teachers for hearing impairment and visual impairment, ASD advisory teachers, behaviour support teachers etc?
The school may use the services of:
The Cognition and Learning Team (CaLT),
Therapeutic Thinking Skills Team,
Educational Psychologist,
Autism Advisory teacher,
Virtual School
Speech and Language Services,
Achieving for Children (Visual Impairment) and Sensory consortium,
Specialist Inclusion Support Service,
Occupational Therapy Service,
Mental Health Support Team
Child and Mental Health Service (CAMHS).
Maintained 5.2 What should I do if I think my child needs support from one of these services?
If you think your child needs support from these services you would speak to the class teacher about your concerns and it would then be decided if school felt a referral was needed.
Maintained 5.3 How are speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy services provided?
A referral is made to Children and Young Peoples Integrated Therapies (CYPIT) from either the school or the G.P. School are only able to refer to the Speech and Language Service. Parents need to request a referral to Occupational Therapy and physiotherapy from the child’s GP.
Once they have assessed an individual child, they will provide school with a S+L report and advice. School will work on the targets and these will be added to the child’s GAP or SAP. The targets are reviewed regularly by school.
Maintained 5.4 What should I do if I think my child needs to be seen by a speech and language therapist, occupational therapist or physiotherapist?
If a parent thinks their child may need to be seen by a Speech and Language Therapist or Occupational Therapist they would go to their G.P. or the school for a referral to Children and Young Peoples Integrated Therapies (CYPIT). The Physiotherapist would normally be requested through the family G.P. or hospital.
Maintained 5.5 What arrangements does the school have for liaison with Children's Social Care services?
The school’s Designated Safeguarding Leads liaise with Children’s Social Care Services. The Head teacher is school’s main Designated Safeguarding Lead. The school's Child Protection and safeguarding policy outlines the procedures.
The Inclusion Manager is the designated teacher for Children in Care and liaises with Children’s Social Care Services regarding these children.
Maintained 6.1 What SEND training is provided for teachers in your school?
All new staff have an induction into the school, where SEN,D provision and systems are discussed. All teaching staff have regular training to develop their knowledge and understanding of how to support the children with SEN,D most effectively. Professionals from outside of school regularly provide training for teachers too. Some staff receive additional training opportunities depending on the needs of the children within their class.
Maintained 6.2 What SEND training is provided for teaching assistants and other staff in your school?
All new support staff have an induction into the school and relevant training is provided. Support staff receive training based on the needs of the children they are working with. This enables them to support children with a range of varying needs and also to become more specialised in certain areas e.g. providing Speech and Language support, Emotional Literacy Support Assistants. Training is provided by the Local Authority or by the Inclusion Manager.
All staff in school receive Safeguarding training regularly. Some support staff are first aid trained.
Maintained 6.3 Do teachers have any specific qualifications in SEND?
Our Inclusion Manager has achieved a Masters-level National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator. She trains teachers during staff meetings, INSET days and through general everyday discussions about the needs of the children.
Two of our teachers and two of our support staff are trained in Level 1 Makaton.
Individual teachers will have their relevant Continued Professional Development (CPD) needs discussed with their Line Manager or the Inclusion Manager in accordance to the needs of the children in their class. Training is sometimes carried out by Local Authority staff to teachers and support staff. Our allocated educational psychologist can train staff, to enable all staff to further their knowledge and understanding of good practice.
Maintained 6.4 Do teaching assistants have any specific qualifications in SEND?
The Partnership has qualified HLTA’s, ELSA’s and staff with specific Child Care qualifications. We have 2 support staff trained in Level 1 Makaton. The teaching assistants have regular meetings with the Inclusion Manager to discuss additional training needs and receive regular training.
Maintained 7.1 How do you ensure children with SEND can be included in out of school activities and trips?
The school always encourages children with SEN,D to participate in extra-curricular activities and trips. These are important to a child’s development and we therefore work hard to ensure these opportunities are accessible to all children.
When a child with SEN,D goes on a school trip, out of school activity or a residential trip we try to ensure that all the necessary arrangements are made for children to participate.
Maintained 7.2 How do you involve parents / carers in planning the support required for their child to access activities and trips?
Parents will be contacted if their child needs extra support to access a trip or activity. The Inclusion Manager is often involved in discussions with class teachers about the extra support children with SEN,D would need to access a trip or activity. Where necessary, appropriate provision would be put in place to enable the child to participate fully. This could include: sharing photos of the place they will be going, taking extra adults or having a personalised plan.
When a school trip is planned the class teacher may need support from the parent in the planning process. There are some instances where the parent may be invited to accompany their child, to ensure they can participate safely.
Maintained 8.1 How accessible is the building for children with mobility difficulties / wheelchair users?
The school has accessibility for children and adults with mobility difficulties.
Maintained 8.2 Have adaptations / improvements been made to the auditory and visual environment?
Teachers from the Sensory Consortium Support come in to school to work with, assess and support children with hearing and visual impairments. They meet with the teachers and Inclusion Manager to discuss the suitability of the setting for the child. They will recommend adjustments that can be made to enable the child to learn most effectively.
Maintained 8.3 Are there accessible changing and toilet facilities?
There are accessible changing and toilet facilities in both schools.
Maintained 8.4 How do you ensure that all the school's facilities can be accessed by children with SEND?
All facilities can be accessed fully by the children that are in school. We regularly review the needs of the children and adapt the environment accordingly. Both schools have wheelchair access.
Maintained 8.5 How does the school communicate with parents / carers who have a disability?
A parent with a disability would have the same opportunities as all parents to communicate with the school. We communicate with parents via phone calls, letter, email, text messages or face to face meetings. Parents/ carers are welcome to bring a family member, friend or professional in to school for meetings if this would be helpful. Our Family Support Worker can help support parents who have a disability to access communication from the school if necessary.
Maintained 8.6 How does the school communicate with parents / carers whose first language is not English?
A parent whose first language is not English may like to bring a family member or friend in to school to translate for them during meetings, or for support. We are sometimes able to access some support from the Ethnic Minority & Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS) if parents let us know that they need some support with accessing communication from school.
Maintained 9.1 What preparation will there be for both the school and my child before he or she joins the school?
Whenever a child starts at Parsons Down School, parents are encouraged to bring their child for a tour of the school so they can familiarise themselves with the environment and be introduced to their new teacher. It is also useful to talk to parents during that time about what they feel their child will require and the specific needs of the child.
Depending on the child's needs, the class teacher may contact the child's previous school to discuss their needs and the provision they require.
Sometimes transition packages are required for children, so they can transition slowly into their new environment and the transition is successful.
Children joining our Foundation Stage class will access taster sessions in the summer term before they begin, along with receiving a home visit from the class teacher. We usually begin September with staggered starts. This enables children to settle into their new environment gradually with less children in the classroom.
Maintained 9.2 How will my child be prepared to move on to the next stage within school, e.g. class or key stage?
All children in school are prepared for the next stage in school. This will include teachers having discussions with the class and sharing the exciting parts of the next year group that they have to look forward to. It will also include talking about their feelings linked to a change. All children have a 'Changeover Day' near the end of the Summer Term, which enables them to spend a day with their new teacher and in their new classroom.
Children with SEND sometimes require extra transition and personalised transition plans to enable them to transition smoothly. These are provided before Changeover Day happens and continue afterwards.
Provision can include:
- A support assistant helping children to make a transition book. (This contains photos of the child's new teacher and support assistant. It also includes photos of key areas of their new classroom. The book goes home with the child at the end of the summer term, so that parents can look at it with their child over the summer holidays and help prepare their child for the changes in September.)
- Extra transition visits, which are normally done with an ELSA, FSW or a support assistant- children will be taken for extra visits to their new class room (often when the classroom is empty so that they can explore it freely), toilets, meet their new teacher. This enables children to feel more confident in their new environment before Changeover Day and September.
- ELSA sessions about 'change'. We discuss what will stay the same and what will be different. We talk through the children's feelings, any worries they may have and strategies to manage these.
Your child's teacher will have a meeting with their new teacher in the summer term. They will discuss the needs of your child, provision in place and successful strategies used during the year. Assessment information will also be passed on so that progress can continue.
Maintained 9.3 How will my child be prepared to move on to his or her next school?
All children are prepared through discussions with their class teacher. All children will go to their Secondary School in the Summer Term for 2 taster days. They will meet their tutor and become more comfortable in their new environment.
Children with SEN,D may require additional support and may be prepared for their move to Secondary school in the following ways:
- Additional visits to the school before they go for their taster days. This is sometimes with school staff and sometimes with parents depending on the needs of the children.
- Key staff from the Secondary school coming into school to meet the child and observe strategies used by teaching staff at Parsons Down to support the child
- Transition booklets being produced with the Secondary school staff during activity sessions within school
Class teachers and the Inclusion Manager meet with staff from the Secondary schools in the summer term to discuss the pupils’ needs and strategies we use in school to support the child. All of the children’s records are sent to the SENCO of the secondary school so that they can continue to meet the child’s needs.
If the child has an EHCP, the Secondary School SENCO will be invited to the child’s Annual Review so that they have a detailed view of the child’s provision and progress.
Children moving to a new school that isn’t a Secondary school will be supported according to their needs. The Inclusion Manager will pass the child’s SEN,D information on to the new school’s SENCO.
Maintained 9.4 How will you support a new school to prepare for my child?
Relevant documentation will be transferred to the new school. Extra transition visits to the new school may be arranged depending on the needs of the child. The Inclusion Manager may communicate with the new school to discuss the child’s needs if necessary.
Maintained 9.5 What information will be provided to my child's new school?
Data about the child’s progress will be given to the new school along with any relevant paperwork or reports. For some children, meetings between the staff from each school – class teachers, support staff, parents or Inclusion Manager – may take place.
Maintained 10.1 Who would be my first point of contact if I want to discuss something about my child or if I am worried?
The parent would contact the child’s class teacher.
Maintained 10.2 Does the school offer any specific support for parents / carers and families, such as Family Support Workers?
The school has a Family Support Worker who works 3 days a week. She is able to offer support and advice to families. She sometimes works with groups of children, or on a 1:1 basis. The support given varies according to the child’s/ family’s needs.
Maintained 10.3 What arrangements does the school have for signposting parents / carers to external agencies which can offer support, such as voluntary agencies?
The Inclusion Manager and the Family Support Worker provide parents with information about external agencies, who may be able to offer additional support. There are also links on our website to West Berkshire’s Local Offer and other support available to families. Parents are also signposted to support during the workshops we run in school.
Maintained 10.4 What arrangements does the school have for feedback from parents, including compliments and complaints?
The school has an ‘Open Door’ Policy, where we encourage parents to share compliments and concerns so that we can discuss things and improve provision. Parents can email the office or arrange an appointment with staff. Questionnaires are sent out.
We have a Complaints Policy, which states the procedure to take if you are unhappy with anything. We also welcome feedback on the things that are working really well through contact with the school.
West Berkshire Council do not promote or endorse any of the services listed in this Directory. For more information on this please read our disclaimer.
Contact details
- Name: Parsons Down Partnership West Berkshire
- Address: Herons Way, Thatcham, Berkshire, RG19 3SR
- Phone: 01635 866700
- Website: http://www.pdp.w-berks.sch.uk/
- Email: office.pdj@pdp.w-berks.sch.uk