John Rankin Federated Schools

Last updated: 15/09/2023

John Rankin Federated schools is located in the South of Newbury within beautiful grounds on the same site.  The two schools share a single governing body responsible for the strategic leadership for the two schools, an Executive Head teacher with 2 Deputy Head teachers, SENDCo and School Business Team. The Federation is 3 form entry from FS2 up to Y6.  The majority of pupils are of White British heritage and the remainder come from a range of ethnicities, with an increasing percentage being registered with English as an additional language. The proportion of pupils known to be eligible for free school meals is below average. The proportion of disabled pupils and those with special educational needs supported at SENS, or with EHC plans, is average. Their needs mainly relate to ASD and social or emotional difficulties or speech, language and communication needs.

Our Vision: Igniting Passion; Empowering Learners; Transforming the Future.

Our Mission Statement:

Our job is not to prepare learners for something; our job is to help learners prepare themselves for anything. Life always brings challenge – we will develop brave and resilient individuals prepared for an ever-changing world.

Our value ‘composure’ is taken from Ken Robinson’s definition – the ability to connect with the inner life of feeling and develop a sense of personal harmony and balance.  At John Rankin School this means individuals who are able to think clearly under pressure; therefore we will provide children with time and techniques to explore and understand themselves.

We firmly believe passionate staff create children passionate about learning; in order to achieve this, wellbeing for both staff and children must be at the core of all policy and practice. We will always ask three questions of everything that we do:

What is the purpose of this?

What impact will it have on our children?

What impact will it have on the workload/wellbeing of staff?

We are all different, unique and exceptional, this diversity will be celebrated and John Rankin School will help everyone to discover his or her purpose.

We want everyone to find their voice. We aim to ignite imaginations and curiosity to create learners who debate, ask questions, seek answers, and challenge the status quo, equipped to transform their future.

We believe that modelling our core values and conducting ourselves with impeccable manners and character means we will always stand apart from the rest.

We are all leaders and we believe that when we go out into our communities, it is our responsibility to lead with our core values as our compass - always seeking how we can be of service.

With our values and vision at the heart everything we do, we will always lead with integrity.

“Childhood is not a rehearsal.  Young people are living their lives now, and who they become and what they do in the future has everything to do with what they experience in the present.” (from Ken Robinson – Imagine If…) 

This is what matters.

The two schools share a positive ethos that values each child as an individual and believes that every child can make progress. We ensure all children are challenged at the correct level and encouraged to achieve their full potential, in every aspect of school life.  We endeavor to identify and provide support for the wide spectrum of needs that make up an individual’s profile; whether cognitive, social and emotional, sensory or physical.  Pupils with SEND are taught inclusively with their peers through targeted and rigorous scaffolding and resources. They access short and precise individual and group intervention from the SEND team, Pastoral team or teaching assistants, where appropriate, building from a point of confidence.

We believe every child has a right to feel safe, respected and able to get on with their work. Our ethos is underpinned by our values: Courage, Creativity, Curiosity, Compassion and Composure.

We follow a Therapeutic approach to behaviour and are supported by a Pastoral team of SENDCo, Family and Pastoral Lead, two qualified ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants), one Early Years ELSAs an ELSA in training and staff that run nurture groups.

Who to contact

Contact Name
Miss Lauren Demeza
Contact Position
01635 42376
John Rankin Federation
Related Service
John Rankin Nursery School

Where to go

John Rankin Schools
Garford Crescent
RG14 6EX

The Junior School is connected to the Infant School and Nursery as one site.

The main school day runs from 8:35 to 15:10 at the Infant School and 8:35 to 15:15 at the Junior School.

John Rankin Federated Schools offer wrap around care from 8:00-18:00.

Inclusion Information

Dietary Needs

Has Provision
Experience with

Local Offer

Contact Name
Miss Lauren Demeza
Contact Telephone
Contact Email
John Rankin Schools
SEN Provision Type
Medical, Specific Literacy Difficulties, Speech & Language Difficulties, Behavioural, Emotional & Social Difficulties, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Physical Disability, Hearing Impairment, Moderate Learning Difficulties, Visual Impairment
Local Offer Age Bands
5 to 7
7 to 11
Needs Level


1. Identification of SEND
1.1: How does the school identify children/young people with special educational needs and disabilities?

Following the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice, John Rankin Federated Schools define SEND as:


A child or young person who has a learning difficulty or disability, which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.


A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

  • has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or • has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.

Pupils are identified in a range of ways:

  • Early identification and intervention.
  • Early Years referral from Pre School Teacher Counsellors
  • Parental Concern
  • Teacher Identification
  • Professional diagnosis
  • Involvement of outside agencies including: Speech and Language Therapy, Educational Psychologist, Hearing Impairment Teacher, CAMHs.
  • Through data analysis and continued monitoring of progress (Pupil Progress Meetings)
  • Impact of school based interventions.
  • Persistent, complex and severe learning difficulties.
  • Use of interpreters to support pupils with EAL and potential SEND.

In addition to this, the SEND team supports with the writing and implementation of Class Needs Analysis plans and attends Pupil Progress Meetings, with each teacher, and members of the Senior Leadership Team. This is support with the identification and planning for pupils whose progress is an alert.  At John Rankin Federated Schools we track the progress and attainment of all pupils with SEND, including non-SEND pupils who are underachieving, in order to prevent any gaps from widening.

Teachers who have concerns about pupils will complete a Graduated Approach Plan, which will then be discussed by the teacher and SEND team and, where felt necessary, parents/carers.  The decision will either be made to monitor progress, provide intervention or seek outside professional support. 

Pupils are added to the SEND register in consultation with parents/carers.  Teachers will also use the school's identification criteria and SEND categories to affirm where pupils should be placed on the register. 

The government states that all pupils, including those with a special educational need should make expected progress by the end of each academic year.  The SEND team provides governors and the Executive Head Teacher with a data analysis report outlining progress made by the SEND cohort (intervention data is used) and new whole school SEND foci are established.   The school monitors pupil attainment and progress in relation to vulnerable groups and evaluates results to identify trends and patterns of underachievement. Pupils making little or no progress may be assessed by the SENDCo or other relevant professionals, in consultation with parents, to establish specific need and provide support to accelerate progress. 

We take note of the 6 broad areas of need.

  • Communication
  • Learning and Development
  • Behaviour and Emotions
  • Health
  • Everyday Life
  • Family and Community

Most pupils will be assessed with the rest of their peers (see assessment policy) although those pupils working below Working Towards or Pre-Key Stage statements will be monitored through the school’s small step targets (the J-scale target) and data system.  Where necessary, these pupils will be provided with individual data targets.

1.2: What should I do if I think my child has SEND?

Parents are encouraged to:

  • Contact class teacher
  • Contact SEND team
  • Contact GP

If your child has already been identified with SEND you may also be provided with opportunities to discuss your child through Support Action Plan (SAP) meetings, 3 times per year. These are done in line with parent evenings, where possible.

All parent/carer concerns are taken seriously at John Rankin Federated Schools as we believe that you hold expert knowledge about your children.  Parent partnership is the key to consistent and successful support for all pupils and we will happily discuss any concerns, identify causes and provide advice on how best to support your child.

2. Support for children with special educational needs
2.1: If my child is identified as having SEND, who will oversee and plan their education programme?

Every Teacher is a teacher of children with SEND.  High quality teaching, scaffolding and personalised provision will meet the needs of a child on a daily basis. 

Your child's SEND needs will be overseen by the SEND team (Miss Demeza and Miss Challis), who will assess and plan opportunities for them to access the curriculum and other aspects of school life through high quality teaching and intervention.  The SEND team has responsibility for monitoring the support of pupils with SEND and this is carried out through; pupil progress meetings, SAP (Support and Achievement Plans) reviews with teachers and parents/carers, book and planning scrutiny, pupil conferencing and observation of pupils within their class setting.  The SEND team will provide support to teachers and teaching assistants through regular training meetings.

The SEND team will co-ordinate the provision for all SEND pupils and plan personalised intervention that will support pupils.  This will be recorded and evidenced over time on provision maps and intervention trackers.  The focus of provision will be determined through discussion with teachers and parents/carers.

The SEND team follows an 'Assess, Plan, Do, Review' cycle that carefully plans precise support, for pupils, through rigorous assessment and review.  Provision for pupils all feeds into School Development targets, monitoring, data analysis, TA appraisal and training.

The SEND team has a duty to report and share the strategic management of SEND with Senior Leaders and the designated SEND Governor in the school.

Class Teachers have a responsibility for day to day provision.

  • Class Teacher in collaboration with School SEND team will discuss a child’s areas of need, agree and plan a SAP (Support and Achievement Plan).
  • Parents are involved in agreeing and reviewing SAPs.
  • SAPs are reviewed termly or more frequently if appropriate.  Where appropriate children are involved in the review process with teachers and the SEND team.
  • SEND team and class teachers liaise with outside agencies and professionals to ensure the best provision is in place.

Parents are involved in outside agency meetings and have the opportunity to discuss their child and their needs as a family.

2.2: How will I be informed / consulted about the ways in which my child is being supported?
  • Prior to a child joining JRI/JRJ parents and professionals are invited to a transition meeting to plan a joint approach.  Additional school visits, meetings with the class teacher and SEND team.
  • Termly or more frequent meeting to discuss a child’s progress can be arranged.
  • Informal meetings with teachers at an agreed time to discuss needs.
  • Termly review and planning meetings for SAPs (Support and Achievement Plans).
  • Pupils with an EHCP will have an annual review/transition meeting at key points in the year.
  • Pupil passports (incorporated within the SAPs) are shared with parents/carers and they are asked to contribute to this.
2.3: How will the school balance my child's need for support with developing their independence?

John Rankin Federated Schools are committed to providing inclusive practice in a mainstream environment.  Reasonable adjustments are made to include all children.

The school makes independence and learning behaviours, of all pupils, a priority and actively plans for independence within SAPs and high quality teaching.  Teachers and TAs are trained in ways to develop independence through mind mapping and effective questioning and this is a focus of our school priorities for SEND, featuring in the monitoring criteria.

In addition to pupil passports, that provide strategies for teachers to plan for pupils to access the curriculum independently, pupils with highly differentiated curriculums may be provided with 'Independent Learning Boxes' or 'Independent Learning Packs’, which are related to their SAP targets.

Independent Learning Boxes may provide the pupils with educational activities that they can complete without support but are tailored to their individual learning styles and needs.  Time is provided within their learning to access these.

Independent Learning Packs provide pupils with visual cue cards that cover academic/social and communication aspects of their learning.  Pupils are encouraged and prompted to use these in order to work independently within class.

Teaching assistants are provided with 'TA toolkit' which contains resources and training materials that can be used with pupils to encourage independence, such as; mind maps and effective questioning techniques and they receive regular training and this is part of the TA induction process. The SEND team monitors the performance of TAs through intervention, with a specific focus on good learning behaviours and pupil independence.  The teaching assistants have regular training to support needs.

2.4: How will the school match / differentiate the curriculum for my child's needs?

Teachers show how they have scaffolded for individual pupils in their weekly and medium term planning and teachers are expected to incorporate SAP targets into everyday learning.  The SEND team plans the scrutiny of plans and observation of lessons followed by support to individuals and staff training, where appropriate. 

Pupil passports (incorporated within the SAP) and Support and Achievement Plan outcomes (that also incorporate professional recommendations), provide strategies for teachers to scaffold the curriculum to match to individual learning styles and these are also used by other staff members who provide intervention.

2.5: What teaching strategies does the school use for children with learning difficulties, including autistic spectrum disorder, hearing impairment, visual impairment, speech and language difficulties?

We are an inclusive Federation and have a range of resources we can draw from.  However, should we need something we do not have we can seek advice from outside agencies.  For Example:

  • Pupils with ASD could have an individual visual timetable, choosing board, task strip, visual cues and opportunities to develop social communication through the use of social stories.
  • Pupils with Speech and Language difficulties may be visited by a NHS Therapist and recommendations are made.  The school will implement these recommendations but the main focus is with high quality teaching strategies that are integrated within the curriculum. The School has two specialist Speech and Language teaching assistants, who delivers Speech and Language support across the school.
  • Pupils with Sensory impairments and difficulties may be visited by an NHS Therapist and recommendations made.  The school will implement these recommendations and may provide additional proprioceptive opportunities, such as a bespoke sensory diet.

At John Rankin Federated Schools, we focus on using different learning styles and so we are consistently analysing and planning for individuals in this way. The school works closely with outside professionals and, where possible, these professionals provide staff with regular holistic training in order to improve outcomes for all pupils through high quality teaching.   

2.6: What additional staffing does the school provide from its own budget for children with SEND?
  • Education Health Care Plans (EHCP) outline a need for additional adult support and hours are funded by SEND. Additional support for these pupils is decided by the Executive Head Teacher, SENDCo and teachers in consultation with parents. Teaching Assistants are deployed according to their skills.
  • All Teaching Assistants are trained in delivering interventions across the school and children with Special Educational Needs may take part in these school based interventions.
  • The SENDCo has a full time position within the schools, as does one of the SALT TAs, who supports pupils through small group and 1:1 intervention. The other supports small group and 1:1 for four afternoons a week.
  • In addition to this, we have two qualified ELSAs, one Early Year ELSAs, an ELSA in training and a number of TAs running nurture groups that support vulnerable pupils or those with Social and Emotional difficulties across the school.
  • The school also has a Family and Pastoral Lead (four days per week) who works with children across the school in need of pastoral support and supports parents at home.
  • The Family and Pastoral Lead is part of a larger Pastoral Support Team (Deputy Head teachers, SENDCo), within the Federation, who meet regularly to discuss needs and plan support for pupils in need of Pastoral support.
2.7: What specific intervention programmes does the school offer to children with SEND and are these delivered on a one to one basis or in small groups?
Type / TitleIntervention Type
Structured Approach to Reading One to one
Structured Approach to Writing One to one
Fine Motor/Handwriting Small group
Talking Partners Small group
SNAP Maths Small group
Precision Teaching One to one
ELSA/Homunculi One to one
Nurture Groups/Building Blocks Small group
Draw and Talk/Comic Strip Conversations One to one
Speech and Language Support One to one
Pre-Teaching Small group
EAL Vocabulary Support Small group
Sensory Diet/ Movement Breaks/ Sensory Circuits
2.8: What resources and equipment does the school provide for children with SEND?

We are an inclusive school and have a range of resources we can draw from.  We aim to carefully match provision to individual children's needs.  The SEND team will provide equipment for individuals that is recommended from professional reports and have also invested in a number of 'Closing the Gap' schemes and materials.

The SEND team manages the budget for SEND resources and links the spend to identified needs for SEND pupils and recommendations from outside professionals, where possible.

We may offer:

  • Proprioceptive equipment and breaks
  • Visual timetables, choosing boards, task strips and visual cues.
  • Interventions if suited to a child’s needs – Talking Partners, SNAP Maths etc.
  • Plan, do, review process suited to individual children’s needs.
  • Additional opportunities to target gaps in learning.
  • Social Communication and skills sessions based on recognising feelings and managing feelings.
  • Involvement of outside agencies.
  • If relevant, support from our Pastoral Lead or ELSAs.
  • Writing slopes, cue cards, wobble cushions, specialist seating, standing desks, etc.
2.9: What special arrangements can be made for my child when taking examinations?

Pupils with SEND may have special arrangements for examinations, where appropriate.  This could include adult readers and scribes, small groups or one to one provision in a quiet area.  They are provided with movement breaks, if necessary, and examinations may be carried out in stages to aid concentration. The school may apply for 'extra time' also.  Applications are reviewed and decided by an outside body.  All other examination requirements remain the same.

In Year 6, teachers and the SEND team may apply for extra time (25%) in special cases.  This provision is authorised by the Local Authority via a questionnaire application online.



3. My child's progress
3.1: How will the school monitor my child's progress and how will I be involved in this?

At John Rankin Federated Schools, we operate an open door policy.  Parents are informed of all progress through parents meetings, SAP meetings and pupil school reports.

All pupils are assessed in a number of ways through; formal tests, teacher assessment processes and through everyday ‘Assessment for Learning’ tools.

Pupils who are working below Working Towards are assessed through Pre-Key Stage assessment statements or small step progress targets called 'J-Scales'.  Pupils who are working within J-Scales work towards small steps of progress and teachers will record evidence related to their achievement within these small steps.  This could include written observations, photographs and photocopies of work that evidences progress.

Within each long term, teachers meet with the Senior Leadership to discuss pupils’ progress (Pupil Progress Meetings), which the SENDCo either attends or is fed back to after.  During this process, teachers and Senior Leaders assess the impact of intervention and class support and plan for 'Closing the Gap' for individual pupils and cohorts. There are regular opportunities for meetings between these times with teachers/TAs and the SEND team.

Intervention data, for pupils with SEND, is analysed by the SEND team and pupils who have not made sufficient progress are put on 'SEND alert' and may be part of a focus group for monitoring. This information feeds directly into the monitoring cycle and is used to create GAP or SAP outcomes and may trigger request for support from outside professionals.  Findings also form new school based targets for the School Development Plan.

Pupils without SEND who are making less than expected progress are monitored through a ‘Graduated Approach Plan’ and may be placed in short term booster groups to make accelerated progress, where appropriate.

The school provides 3 opportunities per year to review pupil progress with parents and discuss ways forward.  Parents are informed if their child is not making progress over time.  These meetings are a forum for staff and parents to jointly plan precise support for progress to take place.

Some pupils with Social and Emotional difficulties have ‘Therapeutic Plans' as well as or instead of a SAP that show strategies for staff to use within the class.  These are a working document that are reviewed three times a year to ensure progress is made and the support in place is correct. 

Progress from interventions is measured, where possible, using age related or standardised scores.  This is generally measured as a baseline at the start of the intervention and again at the end.  Salford Reading and Comprehension test, Hodder spelling assessments, NFER maths and PIRA reading assessments are used to measure intervention progress.   Other less formal methods of assessments are also used to measure progress.

3.2: When my child's progress is being reviewed, how will new targets be set and how will I be involved?

SEND pupil progress is also monitored by SAP outcomes, where appropriate.  Teachers and parents meet initially to start the SAP process.  At the end of each long term, teachers review pupil's progress against each target and set new SMART targets for the next term.  The SAP targets are reviewed and monitored by the SEND team.  Parents receive a copy of the reviewed and new targets at the beginning of Autumn, Spring and Summer term (with an opportunity to discuss these).  Where possible, measurable progress is included in the review, i.e. increased level, age related scores.

3.3: ln addition to the school's normal reporting arrangements, what opportunities will there be for me to discuss my child's progress with school staff?
  • Additional time to meet the class teacher and or SEND team can be arranged at any time by parents.  Usually, this would be either before the start of the day or at the end of the day, with class teachers, and at other times during the day with the SEND team.
  • Parents are asked to phone the office to make appointments so that teachers and SEND team can prepare relevant paperwork and notes.
3.4: What arrangements does the school have for regular home to school contact?
  • Pupils have a reading diary that parents and pupils can record their reading and or other learning needs.  Parents can also use this book to inform staff if there has been a difficulty at home e.g. a child has not slept, has not taken medication etc.
  • Teachers sometimes send home brief notes to say how well a child has achieved or contributed in class.
  • Parents are invited into school to meet with outside agencies and professionals that are involved in their child’s care. This would be by letter, email or phone call.
  • Copies of all reports made by outside agencies and professionals are kept centrally, sent home and passed on to teachers and other professionals where appropriate.
  • Parents are informed of any meetings or professionals attending school related to their child’s learning.
3.5: How can I help support my child's learning?
  • Parents/ carers can support their children by reading daily, practising spellings and multiplication tables.
  • Parents can support their child to complete homework.
  • The schools offer an open evening/ morning in the Summer term for pupils transitioning at key transition points.  At this meeting, booklets on how parents can support with reading, writing and maths are offered.  There are also additional ‘Meet the Teacher’ meetings in the Autumn term.
  • At the start of every term, the school publishes a curriculum map on the school’s website.  Parents/ carers can support pupils’ learning by taking them to historical or cultural places of interest to support their learning.
  • SAPs suggest opportunities and ideas for parents on how to support their child’s individual and on-going needs.
  • There are a number of links and ideas of how to support your children through information evenings throughout the year and on the schools website.
3.6: Does the school offer any help for parents / carers to enable them to support their child's learning, eg. training or learning events?
  • Curriculum evenings could be offered to support parents/ carers to support their child’s learning.
  • The school’s Family and Pastoral Lead works alongside parents to identify training needs and signpost suitable courses.
  • Parents can be given information on useful websites or support groups they can access.
  • The SEND team provides coffee mornings and workshops for parents, with the support of outside agencies.
  • SAP documents are a way to discuss how parents can support their child at home - these are agreed and resourced on an individual basis.
  • Within these meetings, outside professionals may be requested to deliver training. 
  • Learning events led by professionals outside school are signposted to parents via the SEND team.
  • The school website has a range of resources and links to support parents.
3.7: How will my child's views be sought about the help they are getting and the progress they are making?
  • The view of the child is important to us as a school. Depending on the age and ability of a child, their opinion is asked for SAP and EHCP reviews as well as for the writing of Therapeutic Plans.
  • Children are encouraged to be independent and are encouraged to self-assess, share success and suggest next steps.
  • Pupil voice questionnaires are used by staff across the federation.
3.8: What accredited and non accredited courses do you offer for young people with SEND?
  • N/A
3.9: How does the school assess the overall effectiveness of its SEN provision and how can parents / carers and young people take part in this evaluation?
  • Termly Pupil Progress Meetings  (PPM) with class teacher/ SEND team and Leadership team – pupil achievement is evaluated against interventions that they have/ have not taken part in – parents do not participate in this meeting as a range of pupils are discussed.  The SEND team monitors the effectiveness of interventions regularly.
  • Pupils with an EHC plan will have an annual review.
  • The SEND team is responsible for tracking the progress of children with SEND and assessing the impact interventions have across the schools.
  • The SEND team is part of the SLT and monitors SEND provision and resources across both schools.
  • The SEND team reports to the governors on the progress of the SEND cohort through a data report that is reviewed termly.
  • Parents are asked for their views through various questionnaires over the year.
  • Pupils are asked to reflect on their learning on a regular basis within the class.
4. Support for my childs overall well being
4.1: What support is available to promote the emotional and social development of children with SEND?

The school have a Pastoral Care Support Team consisting of; Executive Head, the Deputy Heads, SENDCo and Family and Pastoral Lead (also and experienced ELSA).  The majority of Social and Emotional support is triaged through regular meetings with this team.  Teachers and other members of staff who have raised a concern will make a Pastoral Care referral and all cases will be discussed and support allocated within the meeting.

We also have two additional trained ELSAs, one Early Years ELSAs and an ELSA in training that supports pupils with a specific emotional need through a short-term (six week) measurable programme.  These staff are also trained in Homunculi, a CBT intervention for children with ASD and Building Blocks, a social skills intervention that uses Lego. Parents and teachers contribute to the planning of these interventions and progress is shared with relevant staff.

We have an HLTA Sports Coordinator, who also runs a range of interventions, including Sensory Circuits, proprioceptive exercise breaks and nurture groups.

We also have a number of TAs running nurture groups, linked to their passions and qualifications. These include Forest School, gardening, drama, singing and sports.

Our Family and Pastoral Lead works with families to set short-term goals that enable pupils to overcome social difficulties that may have an impact in school and at home.  Parents can ask for this service or may be signposted by Senior Leaders or the SEND team.

The SEND team supports other pupils with social and emotional needs through 1:1 and small group intervention of social skills, managing anxiety, friendships, Draw and Talk (a child initiated anxiety programme) or mentoring sessions to equip pupils to overcome difficulties with anxiety and social communication within school and at home. 

A referral to other agencies such as; The Mental Health Support Team service, CAMHS  or the Therapeutic Thinking Team may also be necessary and this will be done in consultation with parents. 

  • Pupils with SEND could use social stories to develop their emotional social development.
  • They could also be part of a small social group supported by an adult at break times.
  • A Therapeutic Plan could be written to help staff support a child.
  • Some pupils could take part in a ‘Circle of Friends’. A whole class intervention to support one child with particular difficulties.
4.2: What support does the school put in place for children who find it difficult to conform to normal behavioural expectations and how do you support children to avoid exclusion?

At John Rankin Federated Schools we use a Therapeutic Approach to behaviour.  This means that we;

  • Analyse behaviour rather than moralise about it.
  • Look for the root causes from feelings and experiences rather than use a blanket behaviourist theory.
  • Model therapeutic practices with all children, adults in school and parents or visitors from outside.
  • Our language is chosen carefully from universal scripts to be outcome and resolution focused rather than emotive.


At John Rankin Federated Schools we firmly believe that;

  • Positive experiences create positive feelings.
  • Positive feelings create positive behaviour.

Pupil's behaviours are monitored through high quality teaching and any concerns are raised with parents and the Senior Leadership Team, if necessary.

  • At John Rankin Federation we aim for all children to be included in class activities but, where a child finds it difficult to function within the setting, strategies will be put in place to ensure that all learners are able to continue learning successfully. 
  • A pupil will be given reflection time and a suitable alternative to their choices, discussed through a restorative conversation. The school operates a language of choice policy.
  • In order to avoid exclusion, a pupil may be taught outside the classroom or in a more appropriate place until they are able to return to the larger group.  Parents are informed of serious incidents and, where possible, staff and parents will work together to support the child to increase pro-social behaviours.

Some pupils who need additional support with behaviour may need a 'Therapeutic Behaviour Plan,' which highlights their social and emotional needs and has specific strategies, scripted language and ways in which adults can support them with small steps of progress.  These plans may be shared with parents.  These pupils are given opportunities to reflect on their behaviour and are involved in the setting of new targets and finding bespoke strategies to help them to access the learning to the best of their ability. 

The SENDCo and Senior Leaders may also seek advice from outside professionals such as; Therapeutic Thinking Team, Family Support Worker, CAMHS, Specialist Inclusion Support Service or Pupil Referral Unit.  Parents are informed and included in each stage of the process.

Exclusion is the absolute last resort and will only occur with persistent and challenging behaviour or from a serious or dangerous incident. 

4.3: What medical support is available in the school for children with SEND?

We have members of staff that are first aid trained and are able to support pupils with medical needs.

  • They are able to support pupils who are ADHD and need to take prescribed medication at lunchtime or other times of the day.
  • We have staffed trained in supporting pupils with type one diabetes.
  • We have staff trained in using epipens.
  • We have staff that have attended asthma training.
  • The school is able to seek advice from the West Berkshire school nurse service for further advice or training should we need to.



4.4: How does the school manage the administration of medicines?
  • The school follows the West Berkshire Medical guidelines.  All medicines are locked in the school's medical room and controlled substances are double locked.
  • Parents must sign a disclaimer form and school completes a form when medicines are administrated (with the date and time/parents must sign this).
  • The school are unable to administer Ibuprofen based medicines in line with West Berkshire guidelines.
  • Parents can administer medicines themselves but must sign in and out of school to do this.
  • When specific cases arise, teachers and teaching assistants have relevant training from outside professionals, organised by the SENDCo or office staff.  These may include; Epilepsy, hearing impairment or nutritional training.
  • Parents complete a medical form that is kept on file in the office.  The form clearly indicates when and how much medication is to be taken.  Parents/carers must sign the form in order for medication to be administered.
  • First aiders and office staff are aware of medications that pupils need to take and monitor the administration of them.  It is always recorded in a log in the office.
  • Schools have an ‘Administration of Medicines’ Policy to support children with medical conditions.
4.5: How does the school provide help with personal care where this is needed, eg. help with toileting, eating etc?
  • School are willing to discuss with parents any additional toileting and dietary needs a child may have.  Where possible, school can implement an agreed plan.
  • Advice can be sought from the West Berkshire school nurse service or other professionals involved in a child’s care.
  • A relevant Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP) can be created in partnership with the family and colleagues in school.
  • We consider advice provided by GP's, Pediatricians and other health professionals, in line with safeguarding regulations.
  • It may be necessary for us to carry out toileting, nutritional or functional skills programmes with advice from outside professionals and this will be reflective in pupil's care plans.
  • We make sure that all staff are aware of the specific personal care needs of children by including this in their plan.
  • Risk assessments will be carried out where necessary.
5. Specialist services available / accessed by the school
5.1: What SEN support services does the school use, eg. specialist support teachers, educational psychologists, teachers for hearing impairment and visual impairment, ASD advisory teachers, behaviour support teachers etc?

The schools can access the following services.  Need is assessed on a child-to-child basis:

  • Educational Psychologist Service
  • Cognition and Learning Team
  • ASD Advisory Service
  • Sensory Consortium Service
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Specialist Inclusion Support Service
  • Therapeutic Thinking Team
  • Mental Health Support Team
5.2: What should I do if I think my child needs support from one of these services?
  • Contact the class teacher or the schools SEND team to discuss your concerns.  They can signpost you in the right direction or make the necessary referrals.
  • Contact your local GP.  They can signpost you in the right direction or make the necessary referrals.
  • ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and Family and Pastoral Lead services can be sought through the school. This is completed through the Pastoral Care Triage service in school.
5.3: How are speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy services provided?

Referrals to these services are made by a GP or by the school SEND team, with parental permission and input. Pupils needing to access the Occupational Therapist will have to be referred by a GP.  Once referrals have been triaged:

  • Parents and Class Teacher/SEND team may be signposted to relevant information on the CYPIT website.
  • Over the phone advice may be given by a professional in that field.
  • Pupils can be seen either in school or clinic by one of the above services, following successful referral from either the school or the GP.
  • A report of findings and recommendations is sent to parents/carers and the school.
  • Recommendations by the above services can be implemented by class teachers, teaching assistants and or SEND team where possible.
  • If implemented by teaching assistants, it is under the direction of the class teachers and the SEND team.
5.4: What should I do if I think my child needs to be seen by a speech and language therapist, occupational therapist or physiotherapist?

If you feel that your child needs to be seen by any of these specialists, you must initially speak to your GP and inform the school (SENDCo) that you have done this.  The more information the school has, the better equipped they will be in being pro-active to pupil need.

Some services allow the school to make a referral but others must be referred via your GP.  Please see the guidelines for referrals on the CYPIT website.


  • Make an appointment to see the school SEN Team or your GP to discuss your concerns.
  • Together you can complete the referral form.
5.5: What arrangements does the school have for liaison with Children's Social Care services?

The school liaises closely with Children's Social Care services. 

The Executive Head Teacher or a DSL attends all PEP/LAC/CIN or other meetings with regards to social care.  Some of these meetings also take place in school.

The school provide up to date reports for these meetings.

The school complies fully with the Safeguarding Policy and all staff members receive up to date training in this area. 

6. Training of school staff in SEND
6.1: What SEND training is provided for teachers in your school?
  • Teachers access training either on site or at other venues. 
  • It may be delivered by outside agencies and is linked to the needs of the staff and school.
  • The SENDCo/SEND team identifies training needs through data analysis and monitoring of high quality teaching throughout the school.
  • The SENDCo/SEND team delivers appropriate training linked to school SEND targets within staff meetings and Inset days. 
  • Specialist training is offered to teachers who are teaching pupils with hearing or visual impairment and pupils with a specific diagnosis.
  • Training needs are linked directly with performance management for teachers and TA appraisal for teaching assistants. Our teaching assistants welcome the chance to observe each other to support pupils in particular areas.
6.2: What SEND training is provided for teaching assistants and other staff in your school?

At John Rankin Federated Schools, we aim to train all our teaching assistants in as many different areas as possible.  Training is provided by the SEND team on a variety of different aspects of Inclusion and these are linked to the priorities of the school and SEND targets. Training is regular and targeted.  The impact of all training is monitored through intervention provision and TA provision within class alongside their appraisal targets.  The SEND Training Log outlines this.

At their induction to the school, TAs are provided with a ‘TA toolkit’ pack containing strategies and resources to aid working with individuals and small groups within all the year groups.  They have initial ‘TA toolkit’ training and then are trained with the full complement of TAs on a regular basis.  Training needs are determined through TA appraisal, staff interest and specialism and also through the monitoring cycle.

Through the TA Appraisal process, training needs are identified by staff and the SENDCo/SEND Team and included in the actions for individual staff.  This is linked to the support that they are currently providing and their job role.

The school sends teaching assistants on specific training, delivered by the local authority and outside professionals, and, in some cases, outside professionals deliver bespoke training to teaching assistants within school.

6.3: Do teachers have any specific qualifications in SEND?

The SENDCo at John Rankin Federated Schools completed the SENDCo qualification in 2020.  She is an experienced teacher who has been a member of the Senior Leadership team for over four years. She is also a qualified specialist teacher of dyslexia.

6.4: Do teaching assistants have any specific qualifications in SEND?

We have highly trained teaching assistants, including those specialising in Speech and Language, ASD and emotional health.

We have two qualified and practising ELSAs, one Early Years ELSAs and an ELSA in training within the school and one Family and Pastoral Lead (4 days).

We have an HLTA Sports Coordinator, who also runs a range of interventions, including Sensory Circuits, proprioceptive exercise breaks and nurture groups.

We also have a number of TAs running nurture groups, linked to their passions and qualifications. These include Forest School, gardening, drama, singing and sports.

Teaching assistants who have specialisms are encouraged to share their expertise with other members of staff and provide advice on how to support pupils through a coaching and modelling approach. This can be through leading training, observing or being observed for good practice.  They are also invited to join multi-professional meetings where appropriate.

We have a teaching assistant that works across both schools with pupils with Speech and Language difficulties and is ELKLAN qualified. 

7. Activities outside the classroom including school trips
7.1: How do you ensure children with SEND can be included in out of school activities and trips?
  • Risk assessments are put in place to ensure that, where possible, all children with SEND can participate in all out of school activities.
  • Teachers and teaching assistants help prepare specific pupils for these events with photos, social stories, information about venues and sometimes itineraries.  Parents are consulted about these processes and asked to help children to prepare at home.
  • Parental support is requested to prepare for trips to ensure the best outcomes and safety for the child.
  • We try to ensure that trips are inclusive for all and, if this is not possible, then alternative provision for accessing the learning is sought.
  • Pupils who need additional preparation for visits and visitors have this available to them.
  • Additional adult support is available if the risk assessment requires it.
  • Senior Leadership are active in attending trips to ensure that pupils are able to access them.
7.2: How do you involve parents / carers in planning the support required for their child to access activities and trips?
  • Class teachers discuss activities and trips with parents prior to the event – where necessary, parents accompany children on day trips but not on residential trips.
  • Parents, SENDCo, SLT and class teacher meet well in advance of residential visits to make arrangements for support.
  • Risk assessments are put in place and shared with all members of the team. 
  • Where necessary, additional adults can be sent on residential visits.
8. Accessibility of the school environment
8.1: How accessible is the building for children with mobility difficulties / wheelchair users?
  • The schools are laid out on one level. Access to all parts of the school is possible using ramps, lifts and alternative entrances.
8.2: Have adaptations / improvements been made to the auditory and visual environment?
  • To support a child with auditory and visual difficulties, the school could look at the sound quality of a room and where a child can sit to have the best access to visuals.
  • Specialist support teacher’s advice can be sought and, where possible, adaptions could be made to the main stream school environment.
8.3: Are there accessible changing and toilet facilities?

There are accessible toilets in both schools.

8.4: How do you ensure that all the school's facilities can be accessed by children with SEND?
  • The schools are laid out on one level. Access to all parts of the school is possible using ramps, lifts and alternative entrances.
  • Regular health and safety walks are carried out by the Operations Manager, governors and advisors from West Berkshire.  The school updates its School Accessibility Plan and this is shared with all staff.
  • Regular updates of risk assessments are done for individual pupils and the SEND Team has responsibility for this.
8.5: How does the school communicate with parents / carers who have a disability?

The school will make access arrangements for parents who have a disability. There is wheelchair access through all the main parts of the school and ramps to all of the outbuildings.

  • There are two disabled parking spaces at the entrance of each school, with close proximity to the office.
  • The school will communicate with all parents, regardless of ability, in a variety of ways; letter, phone call, email and text.
  • The school holds termly meetings with class teachers with parents of all children in the school.
  • Additional meetings can be arranged with either the class teacher, SEND team, one of the Deputy Head Teachers or Executive Head Teacher at either the schools at parents request.
  • The schools ensure that parents’ needs are met where possible by inviting relevant professionals involved in the adult and child’s care to meetings.
  • Where possible school could arrange interpreters for the deaf and blind.
  • Any special requirements will be realised on an individual basis. Please speak to the Operations Manager or SEND team if you need to discuss this.
8.6: How does the school communicate with parents / carers whose first language is not English?
  • School can access support through the EMTAS service when an interpreter is required.
9. Preparing my child to join a new school / next stage of education
9.1: What preparation will there be for both the school and my child before he or she joins the school?

At John Rankin Federation, we believe that the key to a smooth transition for pupils and families is preparation.  Our transition schedule starts after the Summer half term and involves the pupils, parents and staff in a number of workshops, meetings and activities to aid different transitions across the schools.

  • New parents and pupils are offered a tour of the schools, transition taster days with their new class, a photo book to support the new environment and new staff.  If there is need for additional support the school will arrange this on an individual basis. 
  • There are a number of parents welcome meetings and a parent pack for pupils entering the school from FS1 to FS2.  They are also offered a number of visits to the school and a photo book nearer to the time that they arrive.  Additional visits and visits with outside professionals will be sought on request.
  • Other transition opportunities can be made according to the needs of a child.
  • A personal transition plan can be put in place according to the needs of a child.
  • Additional visits could be arranged according to the needs of a child.
9.2: How will my child be prepared to move on to the next stage within school, e.g. class or key stage?

At John Rankin Federation, we believe that the key to a smooth transition for pupils and families is preparation.  Our transition schedule starts after the Summer half term and involves the pupils, parents and staff in a number of workshops, meetings and activities to aid different transitions across the schools.

The following parent transition evenings are available to support pupils’ transition from year to year;

  • FS1 to FS2
  • FS2 to KS1
  • Y2 to Y3
  • KS2
  • Y6 to Secondary - a number of visits and activities will be planned by the secondary schools for pupils moving on to secondary provision

In addition to this the pupils in each year group partake in a number of transition activities such as; guides from the pupils in the year above, mixed playtimes, visits to new areas, activities with new adults, making of class photo books, transition homework (info profile for new teacher), etc.

Individual or group transition plans for some pupils with SEND or high anxiety are put in place if necessary.  These plans are evaluated in the beginning of the Autumn term.

In addition to this;

  • The SEND team and SLT coordinate the different hand over of information at the end of the year.
  • Class teachers meet to discuss the needs of the children.
  • Class Needs Analysis and SAPs are updated and passed over to the new teacher in order for continuity of support
9.3: How will my child be prepared to move on to his or her next school?

As above;

  • Transition plans for pupils with SEND are put in place for pupils moving up to the next key stage.
  • SENDCos from different schools meet to hand over information.
  • Class teacher are able to meet to discuss the needs of children.
  • Pupils with SEND are offered additional opportunities to visit the next school to familiarise themselves with people and places.
9.4: How will you support a new school to prepare for my child?
  • Class teachers from different schools meet to discuss the individual needs of children.
  • New teachers also have other opportunities to meet the previous class teachers, teaching assistants and spend time with their new class. 
  • Records will be sent promptly to the new school
  • New children are encouraged to visit the school prior to starting to meet their new teacher and peer group.
9.5: What information will be provided to my child's new school?
  • Assessment information is passed on to the new school.
  • Current books and test papers are passed to the new school.
  • Relevant notes from SENDCo will be passed to the new SENDCo.
  • Reports from outside agencies and professionals can be passed to the new SENDCo.
9.6: How will the school prepare my child for the transition to further education or employment?


10. Who can I contact to discuss my child?
10.1: Who would be my first point of contact if I want to discuss something about my child or if I am worried?
  • Class teacher who can refer to SEND Team if appropriate.


10.2: Does the school offer any specific support for parents / carers and families (such as Family Support Workers?)
  • 1 x SENDCo
  • 1 x Pastoral Lead (part time)
  • 3 x Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
  • 2 x EYFS Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
10.3: What arrangements does the school have for signposting parents / carers to external agencies which can offer support, such as voluntary agencies?
  • SEND Team and Pastoral Team can signpost parents/carers to external agencies either face to face, via email, newsletters or fliers.
  • SEND Team hold coffee mornings, with outside agencies, for parents to seek support.
10.4: What arrangements does the school have for feedback from parents, including compliments and complaints?
  • If you have a concern about your child's provision at school then the SEND team encourage you to discuss this with them promptly so that any issues can be resolved.  However, any serious complaints can be forwarded to the Executive Head Teacher and Senior Leadership Team through the office.  In this instance the School's Complaints Policy will be consulted.
  • The school regularly seeks feedback from parents.  Compliments are welcomed and complaints are addressed. 


Quality checks

  • DBS check

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