Enborne C.E. (VA) Primary School

Last updated: 08/11/2023

Enborne is an inclusive Church of England aided Primary School just south of Newbury.  It is a very small rural school with 58 pupils on roll (summer 2017).  We have three mixed classes: FS2/Yr1, Yr2/3 and Yr4/5/6.

Following a year of School to School support from Theale C of E Primary School, we are now building on that positive relationship, with a firm collaboration. Mrs Catherine Morley is Executive Headteacher at Enborne, with Mr Tristan Whiteman as Head of School. Mrs Sue Kedar is SENco of both schools. Several of our part-time staff also work across both schools.

Enborne C of E Primary School welcomes children whatever their beliefs, although Christian values are built into the ethos and teaching of the School. 

The School promotes attitudes of mutual respect, responsibility and care for others. This is achieved by providing situations which encourage the individual to be expressive, show initiative and act responsibly. 

The school is concerned, in partnership with the Home, that all children fulfil their capabilities bearing in mind their age, ability and aptitude. 

Who to contact

Contact Name
Jessica Wilson
Contact Position
01635 40569
Enborne C.E. (VA) Primary School

Where to go

RG20 0JU

Time / Date Details

When is it on
Term Time
Time of day
Session Information
Open Monday to Friday from 9am until 3.15pm.

Other Details


Age Ranges

Local Offer

Local Offer Age Bands
5 to 7
7 to 11


1. Identification of SEND
1.1: How does the school identify children/young people with special educational needs and disabilities?

Early indentification of pupils with SEN is a priority. The school will use appropriate screening and assessment tools, and ascertain pupil progress through:

  • Evidence obtained by teacher observation/formative assessment
  • Thier perfomance in the National Curriculum judged against level descriptions 
  • Pupil progress in relation to national measures
  • Standardised screening or assessment tools
  • Discussion with parents

For information relating to assessment tools in use, please refer to the Enborne Cof E Primary Assessment and Marking Policy. 


1.2: What should I do if I think my child has SEND?

Enborne C of E Primary school believes in developing a strong partnership with parents and that this will enable children and young people with SED to achieve their potential. The school recognises that parents have a unique overview of the child's needs and how best to support them, and that this gives them a key role in the partnership. 

If parents are concerned that their child has Special Educational Needs, they should first discuss their concerns with the classteacher. If concerns still persist, then the classteacher will arrange a meeting with the School SENco, Mrs Kedar. The office can an appointment with Mrs Kedar, or parents can contact Mrs Kedar directly on SENco@Enborne.w-berks.sch.uk. 

Parents, teachers and SENco will jointly formulate a plan of action and decide whether outside agencies need to be involoved. 


2. Support for children with special educational needs
2.1: If my child is identified as having SEND, who will oversee and plan their education programme?

Class teachers are responsible for overseeing and planning the educational programme for all children in their classes. However, they are supported in this by the School SENco, who may also seek advice from other professionals as appropriate. 


2.2: How will I be informed / consulted about the ways in which my child is being supported?

The school operates an open door policy and all parents are encouraged to discuss any concerns they may have. Parents of children with SEND will be invited to a meeting with classteacher and SENco in the autumn term to jointly plan a Support and Achievement Plan for their child, which will be reviewed with the parents termly. 

2.3: How will the school balance my child's need for support with developing their independence?

At Enborne C of E Primary School we have high aspirations for all our children and this includes the encouragement of all children to develop their independent learning skills. Children are supported in a sensitive and flexible manner according to needs. This support is adapted as the child's needs evolve. 

2.4: How will the school match / differentiate the curriculum for my child's needs?

All children learn in different ways and at a different pace. Children's learning needs are assessed through observation, assessment and marking. Classteachers differentiate the curriculum for children in their care, taking into account their individual needs in terms of language and communication, cognition and learning style, social, emotional and behavioural difficulties and sensory or medical needs. 

2.5: What teaching strategies does the school use for children with learning difficulties, including autistic spectrum disorder, hearing impairment, visual impairment, speech and language difficulties?

The Enborne SENco has qualifications in teaching children with autism and visual impairment. The school seeks advice and support from Local Authority Advisory teachers and health professionals. A child's needs are individually assessed in order that an individual plan is developed, employing a range of suitable support strategies. 

2.6: What additional staffing does the school provide from its own budget for children with SEND?

The school provides a range of intervention, which cans be as one to one support or in small intervention groups. This is flexible and planned according to identified needs. 

2.7: What specific intervention programmes does the school offer to children with SEND and are these delivered on a one to one basis or in small groups?
Type / TitleIntervention Type
Catch up Phonics Intervention groups One to One teaching One to one
Booster Classes Small group

One to One Teaching

One to one
Educational Psychologist and special needs advisory teacher. One to one
2.8: What resources and equipment does the school provide for children with SEND?

SEN support may be one to one, in small groups or within class. Children may need specific resources, such as visual time-tables, specialist seating, social stories, etc. These are provided on a needs led basis. 

2.9: What special arrangements can be made for my child when taking examinations?

Children's needs are assessed and support is provided according to Current Access Arrangements and may include supports such as scribes, readers, separate quiet room and/or extra time. 

3. My child's progress
3.1: How will the school monitor my child's progress and how will I be involved in this?

At Enborne C of E Primary School, all children are subject to a rigorous assessment schedule,  Progress is carefully tracked and monitored. Parent consultation evenings are held in the autumn and spring terms. Formal school reports are provided in the summer term. Additionally, all children with SEND will also have Support and Achievement Plans (SAPs), which are drawn up with parents and monitored on a termly basis. Parents are invited to contribute to the SAPs and are encouraged to support thier child's learning at home too, through activities, games and learning opportunities. 


3.2: When my child's progress is being reviewed, how will new targets be set and how will I be involved?

When progress is reviwed, targets will be set according to the child's individual needs identified. Parents will be invited to consider the implications of assessment results and will be invited to contribute to the formulation of a Support and Achievement Plan, including how they might contribute to the outcomes with support from home. 

3.3: ln addition to the school's normal reporting arrangements, what opportunities will there be for me to discuss my child's progress with school staff?

Parents of children with SEND will be invited to discuss progress on the Support and Achievement Plan termly with classteacher and/or SENco which may form part of the usual parents' evenings. However, they may meet with classteacher and/or SENco when concerns arise. Classteachers operate an open door policy and appointments may be made with the SENco when needs arise. 

3.4: What arrangements does the school have for regular home to school contact?

The school operates an open door policy and if teachers or SENco cannot meet with the parent immediately, then an appointment will be made to do so as soon as possible. Where children have specific SENs, then an additional home-school diary may be operated to share information between home and school on a daily basis. Parents of SEND children also have email contact with SENco. 

3.5: How can I help support my child's learning?

There are many ways a parent can help and support their child in their learning. Parents can read aloud to their children, listen to them read, support homework tasks, share activities such as games, puzzles and craft activities. The ways to help a child are as individual as the children. Parents looking for ways to help may like to consult with the classteacher, who will be able to make specific suggestions, tailored to the individual. 

3.6: Does the school offer any help for parents / carers to enable them to support their child's learning, eg. training or learning events?

Enborne C of E Primary School holds a parent information evening where parents are invited into the classrooms to find out what methods and strategies are employed in each year group. We share a Family Support Worker with other small schools, so that individual help and support can be given to pupils and thier families when needed. 

3.7: How will my child's views be sought about the help they are getting and the progress they are making?

As part of the Support and Achievement Plan review, children wuill be asked to contribute thier ideas about how they feel about school and what they consider their strengths and areas of difficulty are. They will also be asked to think about what they feel they need in order to improve their learning experience and progress. 




3.8: What accredited and non accredited courses do you offer for young people with SEND?

Children with SEND are offered the same opportunties as all children in our school. 

3.9: How does the school assess the overall effectiveness of its SEN provision and how can parents / carers and young people take part in this evaluation?

Progress of all children is tracked across the school. Children with SEND are monitored carefully to consider how effective provision is and whether they are actually achieveing the outcomes we would wish or expect. Parents and children will be invited to share thier views through questionnaires. 

4. Support for my childs overall well being
4.1: What support is available to promote the emotional and social development of children with SEND?

At Enborne C of E Primary School we understand that in order to achieve their full potential, a child needs to feel safe and secure. We have a holistic approach to education, which involves offering opportunties for children to succeed in other areas, not just academically, such as sport, visual and performing arts. This sense of achievement gained raises self esteem and enables children to develop the resilinece they need to tackle tasks they may not be so good at. 

We have a Forest School programee which encourages children to have fun and challenge themselves outside in an enjoyable and adventurous manner. 

We have a school Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) and share a Family Support Worker with a group of schools so that we are able to support individual children and families with a range of difficultlies. 



4.2: What support does the school put in place for children who find it difficult to conform to normal behavioural expectations and how do you support children to avoid exclusion?

All children are seen as individuals. Behavioural difficulties are seen as part of the spectrum of SEND in school. Children are assessed and supported according to needs. The school is able to call upon the West Berkshire Behaviour Intervention Team to seek advice and to develop appropriate strategies to manage the behaviour and to support children to develop self-regualting strategies. We try to work with parents, child and outside agencies where necessary to support the child to remian in school and avoid exclusions wherever possible. 

For more details see Enborne C of E Primary School Positive Behaviour Policy

4.3: What medical support is available in the school for children with SEND?

Enborne C of E Primary School accesses support and advice from the School Nursing Service. The School Nurse provides annual training of the use of Epi-pens and supporting children with particular medical needs such as epilepsy or diabetes, according to the medical needs of children in the school. School staff recieve first aid training. 

4.4: How does the school manage the administration of medicines?

We are able to administer prescription medication once a medicines form has been completed and signed by parents. 

4.5: How does the school provide help with personal care where this is needed, eg. help with toileting, eating etc?

Personal care needs should be discussed with the classteacher and SENco prior to the child's addmission to the school, as we need to ensure that children can be appropriately supported. This can be in terms of staffing or resources We may need to access training and advice from parents, School Nurse or Occupational Therapist. We may also need time to access suitable resources. 

5. Specialist services available / accessed by the school
5.1: What SEN support services does the school use, eg. specialist support teachers, educational psychologists, teachers for hearing impairment and visual impairment, ASD advisory teachers, behaviour support teachers etc?

The SENco, Mrs Sue Kedar, is a Specialist Leader of Education (SLE) for Special Educactional Needs. She is also a qualified teacher of the blind and visually impared and teacher of children with autism. 

Enborne C of E Primary School accesses the full range of SEND support services provided by West Berkshiore Local Authority. Some serivces are provided to schools with no additional charge, such as:

  • Specialis Inclusion Service
  • Behaviour Intervnetion Team
  • ASD Advisory Serivce
  • Early Development Inclusion Team
  • Home Education
  • Sensory Consortium

However some of the specialist serives are now traded services and the school currently buys into:

  • Educational Psychology Services
  • Congnition and Learning Team
  • Family Support Worker
5.2: What should I do if I think my child needs support from one of these services?

Speak to the classteacher and SENco who will be happy to discuss your child's needs and to arrange visits from specialists where all agree this is needed. 

5.3: How are speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy services provided?

Where parents and school staff feel that children need therapy, a referral is made in the first instance through Children and Young People's Integrated Therapies (CYPIT) website which can be found at: 


There is a single point of entry and Triage process and schools may refer children for Speech and Language Therapy. They may also refer children to Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy where this is stated on their EHC Plan. However, in the Reading and Newbury areas, all other children must be referred via the family GP. 

5.4: What should I do if I think my child needs to be seen by a speech and language therapist, occupational therapist or physiotherapist?

Please make an appointment to see the SENco, who will discuss your concerns with you. The CYPIT website holds many downloadable resources which may be supportive in the first instance and we should endeavour to try a range of support ideas available prior to making a referral. If a referral is appropriate, then the SENco can support parents to complete relevant documentation or signpost parents to other agencies. 

5.5: What arrangements does the school have for liaison with Children's Social Care services?

The school has a good working relaltionship with Children's Social Care Service. Parents are welcome to discuss their needs with the SENco, who will support them to self refer to social serivices for support where needed. We will support social services in faciliating meetings and liasing with parents. Should safeguarding concerns arise, children will be referred in accordance with our school Safeguarding Policy. 

6. Training of school staff in SEND
6.1: What SEND training is provided for teachers in your school?

As part of their Continued Professional Development, school staff recieve training on the SEND code of practice, EHC Plans and the provision of Support and Achievement Plans. Teachers also recieve training on supporting children  in class with a range of SEND, such as dyslexia, ASD, speech and language and sensory needs. 

6.2: What SEND training is provided for teaching assistants and other staff in your school?

All teaching assistants have an introduction to Special Educational Needs and following a Support and Achievement Plan. Support Assistants also have training from Cognition and Learning Team on hearing children read and helping children in the classroom. Teaching assistants attend West Berkshire courses as appropariate, for example Precision Teaching. 

6.3: Do teachers have any specific qualifications in SEND?

The school SENco is a qualified teacher of the blind and visually impared and teacher of children with autism.

6.4: Do teaching assistants have any specific qualifications in SEND?

All teaching assistants recieve some SEND training, for example autism, but may not hold specific SEND qualifications. All staff are encouraged to study for further professional qualifications. 

7. Activities outside the classroom including school trips
7.1: How do you ensure children with SEND can be included in out of school activities and trips?

Enborne C of E  Primary school is a fully inclusive school. All children are supported as necessary to take part in the full range of out of school activities and trips. Risk assessments and planning visits are carried out as necessary. Support plans are implemented so that a child's physical, medical, communication and behavioural needs are fully supported. This may be achieved through one to one support, provision of special diet, a space to calm down and relax etc. The plans are child specific and flexible. 

7.2: How do you involve parents / carers in planning the support required for their child to access activities and trips?

Parents are always consulted, as they have a wider experience of taking a child out and about and may have invaluable advice to offer. Often the parents need support and reassurance to trust that the school has considered all needs. It is important to communicate and share ideas and concerns. With regard to residential visits, parents work closely with school to ensure that needs such as special diets are catered for and that where necessary, some children with SEND may choose to participate on a flexible boarding basis. 

8. Accessibility of the school environment
8.1: How accessible is the building for children with mobility difficulties / wheelchair users?

Most areas of the school are accesible by children with mobility difficulties and wheel chair users. There are ramps into most buildings and railings on steps. However, due to the nature of the building, which was started in 1882 and added to over the years, some parts of hte school have steps and no lift. 

8.2: Have adaptations / improvements been made to the auditory and visual environment?

See Accessibilty Policy

8.3: Are there accessible changing and toilet facilities?

There is one accessible toilet. This is located just inside the main door from the playground. 


8.4: How do you ensure that all the school's facilities can be accessed by children with SEND?

The needs of all children with SEND are considered in the planning of all activities and events. 

8.5: How does the school communicate with parents / carers who have a disability?

Parents and carers are encouraged to inform the school of any difficulties they experience in communicating with school. Where necessary, written communication is followed up by phonecalls. Parents are encouraged to bring friends or family supporters to meetings. where appropariate, parents are encouraged to make use of independent support agencies, such as ADVIZA and West Berkshire SENDIASS (Special Educational needs and disability information, advice and support service). 

8.6: How does the school communicate with parents / carers whose first language is not English?

For parents whose first language is not English, communication can be via a family member or family supporter. Where this is not possible, the school would contact EMTAS (Ethic Minority and Traveller Advisory Service) for help in securing the services of a reliable interpretor. 

9. Preparing my child to join a new school / next stage of education
9.1: What preparation will there be for both the school and my child before he or she joins the school?

When with a child with SEND is joining the school, the SENco will usually visit the child in the current school prior to transfer. The SENco will meet with parents and current teachers, plus any advisory teachers involved, in order to plan the transition. A series of visits will be arranged. Usually the child will visit the first time after school when the school is quiet in order that they can explore more confidently. They will then have further visits, which can either be with current Learning Support Assistant or parents. The transition plan is flexible and usually tailored to the needs fo the child on an individual basis in order to build up confidence and ensure success. Where appropriate, transition books will be provided in order that the child may prepare themselves in the weeks leading up to transition. 

9.2: How will my child be prepared to move on to the next stage within school, e.g. class or key stage?

A similar programme is put in place when a child moves on to the next class or stage within school. The child may have visits to meet the next teacher and to explore the new classroom. All children have at least one transition morning in the summer term. Children may also have transition books dependent on need. All children within the school are taught by a variety of teachers, which means that the children are used to working with a range of adults. 


9.3: How will my child be prepared to move on to his or her next school?

The receiving school generally leads on transition. However, where this is not so the Enborne SENco will take the lead role in supporting transition. Transition visits will be supported by Enborne staff and transition books may be provided where needed. 

9.4: How will you support a new school to prepare for my child?

Staff from the receiving school will be encouraged to visit the child at Enborne so that they might gain an understanding of the child and their support needs. The SENco and classteacher will meet with new school staff to liaise and share important transition information. All school records will be collated and shared with the receiving school. 

9.5: What information will be provided to my child's new school?

All records held by the school witll be transferred to the new school. This is vital so that the new school has a sense of the child's history, developement and strategies which have been successful. 

9.6: How will the school prepare my child for the transition to further education or employment?


10. Who can I contact to discuss my child?
10.1: Who would be my first point of contact if I want to discuss something about my child or if I am worried?

The first point of contact for any worries or concerns would usually be the class teacher. However, for SEND issues or concerns the SENco is always willing to meet with parents to offer support and advice. 

10.2: Does the school offer any specific support for parents / carers and families (such as Family Support Workers?)

Enborne C of E Primary School can offer support from a Family Support Worker when this is deemed to be helpful. 

10.3: What arrangements does the school have for signposting parents / carers to external agencies which can offer support, such as voluntary agencies?

The SENco can assist parents in making contact with outside agencies who may offer further support such as ADVIZA and SENDIASS. 

10.4: What arrangements does the school have for feedback from parents, including compliments and complaints?

At Enborne C of E Primary School, we encourage parents to communicate openly with staff involved. It is lovely to hear what we are doing well, so we might continue. Comments in a written form, either through letters or emails, are easier to share with others. Parents are encouraged to contribute to an annual parental questionnaire to help us to ascertain views about what we are doing well and where we can improve. Where parents wish to complain the school has an open door policy and parents are encouraged to contact the Headteacher in the first instance. 

If further conccerns are rasied, the school Complaints Policy should be consulted. This can be accessed via the achool website. 


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