Hermitage Primary School

Last updated: 07/12/2022

**Please note the content covers the SEN Information Report, the Local Offer and the SEND policy.**

Hermitage is smaller than the average-sized primary school with approximately 200 pupils. The school doubled in size in 2007 after two estates were built in the village. Children join the Early Years Foundation Stage full-time in Reception from September of the academic year in which they are 5 years old. The majority of pupils are White British; very few pupils speak English as an additional language. The proportion of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities is average. The school is part of a soft federation of local small schools which all feed into the Downs Secondary School.

The school has very few pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals or who are looked after by the Local Authority, approximately one in eight pupils have a parent or carer in the Armed Forces (all of these children are eligible for Pupil Premium funding).


Our children are at the centre of everything we do.   Our vision is to provide a happy, caring and creative environment, where our children have the opportunity to thrive through engaging and motivating experiences and every child is seen as an individual.  We believe in nurturing our children, to reach their potential.  Promoting acceptance, kindness and love so that they play a positive role in the heart of out community.  To promote a love of learning and self-belief whilst encouraging curious learners to prepare them for the future.


S          Safe


H          Happy


I           Inquisitive (children, who)


N          Never give up (and are)


E          Enthusiastic (and)


S          Successful



Who to contact

01635 200355
07471 743583 - Rise and Shine Breakfast Club
07467 727967 - Sunshine After School Club
Hermitage Primary School

Where to go

Hampstead Norreys Road
RG18 9SA

Other Details


Table of costs
Table of costs
AmountCost Type
£5.50 per session
£11.00 per session
Rise and Shine Breakfast Club: £5.50 per session - £5.00 per additional child
Rise and shine club operates every school day from 8:00am to 8:50am. Breakfast is provided from 8:00 till 8:20am.

Sunshine After School Club: £11.00 per session - £10.00 per additional child
Sunshine after school club operates every school day from 3:30pm – 6:00 pm. Healthy snacks included.

Clubs operate during Term time only. They do not operate on Inset days. Please see the school website for more details.

Childcare Information


Breakfast Club: School year groups: After school club:
Date updated
Vacancy range(s)
Vacancy range(s)
PlacesStart AgeEnd Age
0 4 11

Funded Places

Waiting List

Do you have a waiting list?

Opening Times & Facilities

Opening Times
Opening Times
DayOpening TimeClosing Time
Monday 08:00 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 18:00
Thursday 08:00 18:00
Friday 08:00 18:00

School Pickups

Offers pickups
Hermitage Primary School
For breakfast and after school club

Local Offer


**Please note the content covers the SEN Information Report, the Local Offer and the SEND policy.**



SEN Provision Type
Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties, Medical, Specific Literacy Difficulties, Speech & Language Difficulties, Behavioural, Emotional & Social Difficulties, Autistic Spectrum Disorder, Physical Disability, Hearing Impairment, Moderate Learning Difficulties, Severe Learning Difficulties, Visual Impairment
Local Offer Age Bands
5 to 7
7 to 11
Needs Level


1. Identification of SEND
1.1: How does the school identify children/young people with special educational needs and disabilities?

Early identification is crucial; this can occur through a number of routes. Class Teachers are continually monitoring and making observations of children within their class. If concerns are identified, relevant individuals become involved and actions are taken. Each term assessment data is analysed, this enables cognition and learning needs to be identified.

Concerns relating to social, emotional and mental health difficulties, communication and interaction or sensory and/or physical needs are raised by Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants (TAs) within school and also health and social care practitioners in the wider community. Children who join our school may already have been identified as having an additional need. We will ensure that a meeting is held with parents/carers at the earliest opportunity. If a parent/carer is concerned they should speak to their child’s Class Teacher/s in the first instance. This could be during a parents evening or pre-arranged meeting. We also listen to comments from the children themselves.

1.2: What should I do if I think my child has SEND?

Initially, any concerns should be discussed with your child’s Class Teacher/s. Appointments for longer discussions can be arranged directly with them or via the school office. A meeting with the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) can then be arranged to discuss the next steps.

2. Support for children with special educational needs
2.1: If my child is identified as having SEND, who will oversee and plan their education programme?

An integrated approach is used. Class Teachers are responsible for the progress and development of all children within their class, this includes those who have been identified as having Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). They will ultimately plan their day-to-day education programme; providing differentiated teaching, applying strategies that are unique to the child’s needs and regularly liaising with all individuals involved with the child. They are also responsible for the deployment of support staff working within the classroom. The SENCO works closely with the Class Teachers to ensure that any targeted or specialist interventions are carried out and advice from professionals is followed.

2.2: How will I be informed / consulted about the ways in which my child is being supported?

Each term Class Teachers write a Support and Achievement Plan (SAP) for each child recorded on the school’s Special Educational Needs (SEN) register; these are the children identified as having SEND at SEN Support or Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) level. This plan is personalised to the child and is reviewed on a termly basis. If a child is receiving extra support via an intervention programme or needing additional input in class, following the Graduated Approach Process (GAP), they will have a GAP written by their Class Teacher/s. This plan is also personalised to the child and is reviewed on a termly basis. Children who have a GAP are recorded as Monitor on the school’s SEN register. There are also formal opportunities during the academic year to meet with your child’s Class Teacher/s, during parents evenings, as well as informal times to have a chat. You can also arrange to meet with the SENCO and/or your child’s Class Teacher/s via the school office.

2.3: How will the school balance my child's need for support with developing their independence?

All children within the school are taught skills to develop independence. Class Teachers set appropriate and achievable tasks to allow success. They also promote child-initiated learning. Teaching Assistants support children with additional needs by giving them choices, allowing them time to answer questions or completing tasks and respecting their requests; all of which develop independence. With support from adults, all children are encouraged to take responsibility for their own actions and learning. Possible strategies may include:

  • Pre-teaching of context specific vocabulary prior to the lesson
  • Visual timetables
  • Chunking of activities using a now-next-then board
  • Individualised success criteria
  • Use of technology
2.4: How will the school match / differentiate the curriculum for my child's needs?

Children identified as SEND have access to a differentiated curriculum, where felt necessary. This can take many forms such as adapting the work required, support from a Teaching Assistant, modifying resources, use of technology and reducing demands. Advice from Professionals and/or Advisory Teachers is followed. Children also have access to interventions which help them to progress and succeed.

2.5: What teaching strategies does the school use for children with learning difficulties, including autistic spectrum disorder, hearing impairment, visual impairment, speech and language difficulties?

A range of teaching strategies are used depending on the needs of the child. Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants receive regular training throughout the academic year which relate to the four areas of need, as per the SEND code of practice (2015) - communication and interaction, cognition and learning, social, emotional and mental health difficulties and sensory and/or physical needs.

2.6: What additional staffing does the school provide from its own budget for children with SEND?

Teaching Assistants are deployed across the school to support children with SEND. Currently there is full time support in our Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 classes. Year 6 has Teaching Assistant support for most of the week. We also have Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSAs) who work some afternoons to provide support in this area.

2.7: What specific intervention programmes does the school offer to children with SEND and are these delivered on a one to one basis or in small groups?
Type / TitleIntervention Type
Emotional Literacy Support
Speech and Language Therapy (following a therapy plan produced by a qualified professional) One to one
Fischer Family Trust Wave 3 (Sprint) One to one
SNAP on 2 Maths One to one
Write from the start One to one
Catch Up Literacy One to one
Precision Teaching One to one
2Type & BBC Dancemat One to one
AcceleRead AcceleWrite One to one
Breaking Barriers with Numicon One to one
Language and Literacy (LAL) (following a programme set by a Specialist Teacher) One to one
Power of 2 One to one
Occupational Therapy (following targets set by a qualified professional) One to one
Catch Up Numeracy One to one
Emotional awareness Small group
Social skills Small group
Friendship skills Small group
Attention and listening Small group
Structured Approach to writing (STRAW) One to one
Structured Approach to Reading (STAR)
Construction Club
Draw and Talk
2.8: What resources and equipment does the school provide for children with SEND?

Resources and equipment may include:

Personalised visual timetables, Talking Tins, Timers (sand and electronic), Task strips, Writing slopes, Netbooks, Wobble cushions, Ear defenders, Tinted exercise books and overlays, Pencil grips, Ergonomic pencils, Fiddle toys, Darker 4B or triangular or thicker pencils, desk divider, Theraputty, specialist sports equipment such as sensory balls, weighted blankets.

2.9: What special arrangements can be made for my child when taking examinations?

The Standards and Testing Agency produce guidance each year to determine if a child is eligible for access arrangements. These adjustments support pupils with identified additional needs and may include additional time, scribe or reader.   They are based on normal classroom practice for each individual child, which never provide an unfair advantage. This provision will always be discussed with Parents in good time prior to examinations.

3. My child's progress
3.1: How will the school monitor my child's progress and how will I be involved in this?

Your child’s progress is continually monitored by both formal and informal assessments. Each term an interim report is written to give you an overview of your child’s effort, attainment and general attitudes towards school; during the summer term a full report is given. Class Teachers are available for discussions about these reports during a parents evening or at other pre-arranged times. Your child’s SAP shows attainment tracking along with targets to promote progress; this document is fully discussed with you each term.

3.2: When my child's progress is being reviewed, how will new targets be set and how will I be involved?

Whole school monitoring occurs at the end of each term. This provides detailed information relating to academic progress. Therefore targets relating to an academic outcome are reviewed using this data. Other targets are reviewed based on observations, informal assessments and other post-intervention data. New targets are set based on the individual needs of the child; the targets can take many forms, these are recorded on your child’s SAP. You will have the opportunity to discuss these targets with the Class Teacher/s each term. You will receive a copy of the SAP once the targets have been set and again once they have been reviewed. If your child has a GAP you will also have the opportunity to discuss the content with the Class Teacher/s and you will receive a copy at the beginning of term and again at the end of term once it has been reviewed.


3.3: ln addition to the school's normal reporting arrangements, what opportunities will there be for me to discuss my child's progress with school staff?

You can discuss your child’s progress at any time with the Class Teacher/s and/or SENCO. You can make an appointment via the school office or see the Teacher after school to arrange a time.

3.4: What arrangements does the school have for regular home to school contact?

This is as personalised as necessary. Reading diaries can be used as a means of contact, also a home/school communication book. Contact can be via email or a telephone conversation. Also face-to-face appointments can be arranged as well as informal times to have a chat.

3.5: How can I help support my child's learning?

As each child’s needs are different, strategies to support your child can be discussed with the Class Teacher/s and/or SENCO. General guides for parents can be found on our school website, also our homework policy (reasonable adjustments are made for children with additional needs). Daily reading and spelling practice are important for all children as well as practice with number bonds or times tables.

3.6: Does the school offer any help for parents / carers to enable them to support their child's learning, eg. training or learning events?

At the start of each school year the Class Teacher/s give a presentation outlining arrangements for their class, during these parents are given strategies to help support their child’s learning. Also, throughout the year workshops are offered, such as phonics, to provide parents with in depth information on a subject.  Parents can contact the following groups with advice about supporting their child’s specific needs, completing forms or information about upcoming training sessions: SENDIASS, parenting Special children or the parent Advisor from the Autism advisory team.

3.7: How will my child's views be sought about the help they are getting and the progress they are making?

Your child’s SAP will be shared with them each term, during this time the Class Teacher/s will talk through their targets and ask them for their views. Another conversation will be had when their SAP is reviewed. If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan their annual review with be child-centred and they have the opportunity to voice their views about their learning.

3.8: What accredited and non accredited courses do you offer for young people with SEND?


3.9: How does the school assess the overall effectiveness of its SEN provision and how can parents / carers and young people take part in this evaluation?

The SENCO, Headteacher and Inclusion Governor have regular meetings to discuss the effectiveness of SEN provision within the school, from these meetings next steps are created and actioned. A bi-annual survey is produced by the Local Authority which allows parents to state their views. Parents also have the opportunity to discuss their thoughts during parents evenings.

4. Support for my childs overall well being
4.1: What support is available to promote the emotional and social development of children with SEND?

Universal provision is given to all children within the school during assemblies and within the Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) curriculum. Class Teacher/s also promote emotional and social development as part of their everyday teaching. If children require a more targeted approach, group sessions which focus on emotional awareness, social skills, friendship skills or attention and listening are available. If a specialist approach is needed, the school has trained ELSAs who can provide a block of sessions to address key areas of need. We can also provide Construction club, using Lego to practice social skills in a small group and Draw and talk, exploring emotions through drawing.   If support is still required after completing these interventions, then a referral can be made to the Emotional Health Academy (EHA) or the West Berkshire Mental health Schools Team (MHST).

4.2: What support does the school put in place for children who find it difficult to conform to normal behavioural expectations and how do you support children to avoid exclusion?

The school makes reasonable adjustments for children who find it difficult to conform to the behavioural expectations within the school. Their provision is personalised, this allows for success in relation to their own abilities while also reducing the likelihood of major incidents occurring (which could lead to an exclusion). Parents are made aware of this provision, as maintaining a good home/school relationship is crucial. Often an individual behaviour plan and/or therapeutic Individual Risk assessment is created and shared with all involved.  As a school that has started to implement a Therapeutic Thinking approach, we work closely with the Therapeutic Thinking Support Team to plan targeted intervention and support for pupils.  The school works very closely with other external professionals such as the Autism Advisory team who can provide support and advice.  Please refer to the school behaviour policy for further information.

4.3: What medical support is available in the school for children with SEND?

General medical support is available for all children. Our Teachers and Teaching Assistants are trained in basic first aid, with some individuals trained at a higher level. Following the advice and guidance from specialists, medical support can be personalised depending upon the needs of the child. If a child has ongoing medical input from professionals, they will have an Individual Healthcare Plan.

4.4: How does the school manage the administration of medicines?

Medicines are administered by the TA allocated to your child’s class; the correct paperwork must be completed prior to any medicines given. The school will seek additional training and advice where necessary.

4.5: How does the school provide help with personal care where this is needed, eg. help with toileting, eating etc?

Guidance is sought from specialist professional, eg the incontinence Nurse,  to ensure the needs of the child are met, whilst following the school’s Intimate Care Policy and Guidance on Continence for Early Years Providers and Schools (produced by the Local Authority).  If a child has ongoing toileting needs they will have an Intimate Care Plan.

5. Specialist services available / accessed by the school
5.1: What SEN support services does the school use, eg. specialist support teachers, educational psychologists, teachers for hearing impairment and visual impairment, ASD advisory teachers, behaviour support teachers etc?

The school has access to many support services (each of which has their own criteria for involvement):

  • Cognition and Learning Team (CaLT)
  • Autism Advisory Support Team (AAS)
  • Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service (SCS)
  • Specialist Inclusion Support Service (SISS)
  • Educational Psychology Service
  • Therapeutic Thinking Support Team (TTST)
  • Emotional Health Academy (EHA)
  • Speech and Language Therapy Service (SaLT)
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • Occupational Therapy Service (OT)
  • School Nursing Service
  • Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service



5.2: What should I do if I think my child needs support from one of these services?

In the first instance, an appointment should be arranged to meet with your child’s Class Teacher/s and the SENCO.

5.3: How are speech and language therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy services provided?

All children within the school have access to universal provision from these services, which is provided in class by your child’s Class Teacher/s. If further group work is needed, then this is carried out by trained TAs. If a child has an individualised therapy plan then this will be followed by all involved with the child; their targets will be recorded on their SAP. Further information about their services can be found on the Local Authority integrated services website.

5.4: What should I do if I think my child needs to be seen by a speech and language therapist, occupational therapist or physiotherapist?

In the first instance, an appointment should be arranged to meet with your child’s Class Teacher/s and the SENCO.

5.5: What arrangements does the school have for liaison with Children's Social Care services?

When required, the school is fully involved with cases which relate to Children’s Social Care Services. Contact is arranged via the Local Authority. A representative from the school will attend meetings as necessary.

6. Training of school staff in SEND
6.1: What SEND training is provided for teachers in your school?

Teachers receive SEND training during staff meetings. This can take many forms: A talk/presentation given by one of the support services (as listed in section 5), cascade training arranged by the Local Authority/NHS or updates from the SENCO. If Teachers are unable to attend a meeting, they are given the materials presented to ensure that the support is consistent. External training courses are also available throughout the academic year.

6.2: What SEND training is provided for teaching assistants and other staff in your school?

TAs and ELSAs attend regular meetings where they receive SEND training as well as updates from the SENCO. Generally, the TAs receive the same training as the Teachers to enable a consistent, whole school approach. The TAs also attend external training courses so they can deliver high quality evidence-based interventions (as listed in section 2) as well as courses to support them in their role. The ELSAs attend regular supervision sessions with an Educational Psychologist as well as courses which specialise in other areas, such as mindfulness and stress busting.

6.3: Do teachers have any specific qualifications in SEND?

Class Teacher/s do not have any specific SEND qualifications but have long term experience of teaching children with additional needs.

6.4: Do teaching assistants have any specific qualifications in SEND?

Three TAs within the school hold a National Vocational Qualification in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools at Level 3, one of which also achieved Level 2 prior to this. Another TA holds a Level 3 Diploma in pre-school practice.

7. Activities outside the classroom including school trips
7.1: How do you ensure children with SEND can be included in out of school activities and trips?

All children have equal access to participate in extra-curricular activities, day trips and residential visits. Where appropriate, reasonable adjustments are made to ensure participation by all children. Risk assessments are carried out prior to any visit to identify the likelihood of harm and what measures are put in place to control for them.

7.2: How do you involve parents / carers in planning the support required for their child to access activities and trips?

Parents are required to give their consent prior to their child participating in activities or trips. If parents have any concerns, they can speak to their child’s Class Teacher/s, equally school staff may invite parents into school to fully discuss what is involved and how parents can support their child. Some SEN pupils are given social stories about the upcoming visit or trip to help familiarise them with what to expect which can lessen their anxiety.

8. Accessibility of the school environment
8.1: How accessible is the building for children with mobility difficulties / wheelchair users?

The school building provides adequate access to all areas, for all children.  There are two Health and Safety Governors who ensure current regulations are met.  Please see the accessibility plan.

8.2: Have adaptations / improvements been made to the auditory and visual environment?

Adaptions and improvements have been made to the school to ensure children with auditory and visual needs are catered for. Berkshire Sensory Consortium Service provide additional and ongoing advice for further alterations as required.

8.3: Are there accessible changing and toilet facilities?

There is an accessible toilet which is available to use by any child with an additional need as well as visitors to the school.

8.4: How do you ensure that all the school's facilities can be accessed by children with SEND?

All children within the school can access the facilities that are available to them. If any issues occur, advice is sought from the relevant professional. Facilities are monitored regularly to comply with Health and Safety legislation.

8.5: How does the school communicate with parents / carers who have a disability?

The school can communicate in whatever form is best according to the needs of the parent; the school will do this sensitively and respectfully.  This may range from face to face meetings in school, telephone contact, virtual meetings or home visits if necessary.

8.6: How does the school communicate with parents / carers whose first language is not English?

When a parent does not speak English as their first language, advice is sought from the Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS) and could involve the support from an interpreter.  The school will then communicate in whatever form the parent prefers.

9. Preparing my child to join a new school / next stage of education
9.1: What preparation will there be for both the school and my child before he or she joins the school?

It is important that each transition point is carefully planned. Before your child joins the school (in the Reception class or at any other entry point) the SENCO will liaise with their current educational setting to gain as much information as possible; the SENCO and Class Teacher/s will also meet with you. This information sharing will help your child to settle as quickly as possible.

9.2: How will my child be prepared to move on to the next stage within school, e.g. class or key stage?

Hermitage Primary School is a relatively small school so your child will regularly see all the staff, such as in assemblies and on duty in the playground, so no adult will be unfamiliar. A changeover day takes place towards the end of the Summer term where your child will have the opportunity to move up to the next year group with their class. They will spend time with their new Class Teacher/s and TAs. If your child needs additional visits to their new classroom or time with the TA, these can be arranged for before and/or after changeover day. If required, a transition book will be completed, this is as personalised as needed.

9.3: How will my child be prepared to move on to his or her next school?

A transition programme is offered, this is as individualised as required. This can include creating a photobook, completing a transition workbook, attending extra visits before and/or after the main transition days and having transition related ELSA sessions.  For some pupils with SEND parents will be involved in transition planning meetings with the SENCo from the new secondary school and other professionals where necessary in the Summer term.

9.4: How will you support a new school to prepare for my child?

There will be a clear handover, either in person or over the telephone, to ensure the new school is fully informed of your child’s needs. If they have a particular form for the transition process, this will be followed.

9.5: What information will be provided to my child's new school?

If requested, your child’s new school will first be given their GAP or SAP as this outlines their current strengths and difficulties. They will also be made aware of strategies that the school have used for your child, along with the involvement from any support services. Your child’s new school will be sent their SEN file (along with their general school file) which provides full information.

9.6: How will the school prepare my child for the transition to further education or employment?


10. Who can I contact to discuss my child?
10.1: Who would be my first point of contact if I want to discuss something about my child or if I am worried?

Your child’s Class Teacher/s should be your first point of contact. An appointment can then be arranged to discuss your concern further with the Class Teacher/s and/or SENCO.

10.2: Does the school offer any specific support for parents / carers and families (such as Family Support Workers?)

School staff are available to offer general support to parents. School can refer parents to relevant outside agencies if necessary such as the MHST, EHA, SENDIASS, parenting Special children or the parent Advisor from the Autism advisory team.

10.3: What arrangements does the school have for signposting parents / carers to external agencies which can offer support, such as voluntary agencies?

The SENCO can signpost parents to a wide range of external agencies that can provide support and advice. Also a termly e-newsletter is sent to parents, via the SENCO, from the Disability Information Service (DISC) which lists a vast range of activities and services available for children and their families.

10.4: What arrangements does the school have for feedback from parents, including compliments and complaints?

Parents can contact the school whenever they have any issues, this can be in person, by telephone or email. They can discuss their concerns with the Headteacher and/or the SENCO. Compliments are always welcome too.

Quality checks

  • DBS check

West Berkshire Council do not promote or endorse any of the services listed in this Directory. For more information on this please read our disclaimer.

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