Advice & Information

Directory results

Family Information Service

Welcome to West Berkshire's Family Section West Berkshire's Family section is known as the Family Information Service. We offer a telephone and on-line directory service, dedicated to providing free and up-to-date information for parents, parents to be, carers and professionals to help support children up to their 20th…

Childcare and Short Breaks

Children who have SEN and disabilities benefit from opportunities to take part in activities outside the home where they can mix with other children, develop their social skills and independence and pursue their interests. This might include after school clubs, holiday clubs, weekend activities, youth…

Information for Providers (including Free Entitlement)

This Page is for Childcare providers EY3 form to tell Ofsted about certain changes to individuals, including names, addresses and any start or leave dates. Click on is link to find the Form: Early years and childcare providers: EY3 changes to individuals Free Entitlement Providers (Including…


In this section you can find information on accessing childcare settings. Please read our advice pages below, under Useful Information, relating to specific childcare settings. You can find more information by browsing the leaflets in the links under Related Files on the right of the page. Childcare can offer…

Education and Learning

Children and young people who have a special educational need and/or disability (SEND) may need some additional help in order to achieve their full potential. Children with SEND are generally supported with resources available to early years settings, schools and colleges. Some children with very…

Local Offer

The Local Offer sets out provision which is available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), aged 0 to 25, including education, health and social care services. The Family Information and Local Offer service offers brokerage to anyone who is having…

Preparing for Adulthood

West Berkshire Council want all their young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) and disabilities to make a successful transition to adulthood, including Paid employment, wherever possible Living as independently as possible Having good physical and emotional health Being part of their community Having friends and relationships…
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